Chapter 10

Arriving at the dumpsite they call beach there were 3 people there, A girl clearly showing discontent, a boy who is now afraid to even talk and a skeletal framed hero clearly not passing the health inspection test needed for one to become a hero.

"So when are we gonna start? I won't join you're body building training, I would just train myself on the side of the beach but if I see from the corner of my eye that you are mistreating my brother I WILL KILL YOU! Got that?!" With discontent and anger written around her face Azula faced All Might impatiently waiting for thins session of training to start.

"Ok, here's my training regimen for young Midoriya. He would have to follow my special training program to a T, there should be no overdoing or slacking regarding this" Toshi said this to the girl while thinking inside his head.

'Just how did young Midoriya deal with this woman, she's aggressive and easily annoyed Wait do all fire quirk users have this characteristic? I remember Endeavour always being pissed when we meet, could this be a trait thing?'

As Toshi was almost having a breakthrough about his perception on the number 2 hero he suddenly heard an excited noise from the background.

"Yes! let's start!" Izuku said this with vigour, training his body to achieve being a hero was his ultimate dream from the moment Izuku was even conscious of his surroundings.

And with Izuku's loud voice issuing for things to start the training began, or should I say cleaning. Izuku was hauling tires the size of a small fridge, broken appliances, dirty trashbags and many more to god know where, this will be the substitute for weights or dumbells needed for Izuku's training.

It may be because All Might doesn't want to spend on a gym subscription or he just wants the shore to be cleaned, either way Izuku's body is slowly showing improvement within the span of days. The scrawny boy is having a little bit of meat inside his body while still being lean and not a muscle bound freak, his sister on the other hand almost as if doing yoga is stretching her body almost to the limits a normal human could handle.

'Ty Lee's way of fighting, I need it to pair up with my bending. This isn't my previous world anymore with people roaming around with different quirks I need to dodge every lethal attacks they could throw at me while minimally draining my stamina needed for my bending, I need all the power I could get to protect myself and my brother'

Azula now trying different stances to incorporate with Ty Lee's acrobatics, is basically throwing short bursts lines of blue flame capable of slicing anything in it's path while showing her inhumanely agility and flexibility by jumping towarsds the mountains of trash carefully enough not to topple a single piece of debris.

Toshi now seeing the way his protege's sister is training is nothing short of surprised, Instead of training for a stronger output of fire like a certain pro hero he knew this young lady opted for another approach, short bursts of precise flame capable of neutralizing enemies while maintaining the strain on herself low.

'Just how did this lady come up with this, no one taught her how to fight right? Who knew martial artists progidies were a real life thing, I thought it was all bullshit from certain chinese cultivation novels'

And thus this training went on and on for a few months, Izuku while clearly showing improvement is now dissatisfied on how the training is only improving his body a little decided to double up on the training while halving down the time he needed to rest and recuperate.

With his decision Izuku is now training like a madman only thinking of what's ahead never even considering what this may do his body. Day and night all he does is train, even when eating he is still lifting weights, even in class while sitting he is still training. Izuku is straining his body all for what he thinks will improve his body all the while forgetting that someone is watching over him.

'I needto talk to that skeletal bastard, Izuku is straining himself too much.'

Azula is currently set on to talking to All Might regarding his brothers current condition, Azula is for once concerned. Yes, the once cold and manipulative Azula is now concerned, it didn't even register to her mind that what she did to the soldiers unde her way back then had an even more torturous training to what Izuku is now currently doing. Little by little Azula is now showing emotions normal to a teenager should have without her knowing, if before she could only think 'That is bad for you so you can't do that' now she is thinking of what it may do to Izuku's state of mind if she decided to stop him from training.

The next morning

As the 3 were meeting up and Izuku was starting to warm up and get ready for another day of torturous physical training, unbeknownst to him his sister is now confronting his teacher about something he clearly isn't aware about.

"Hey you, walking skeleton come here. We need to talk about something really important."

"What is it young lady, I'm currently busy overseeing Young Izuku's training."

"Overseeing are you!? Well let me do your job for you, Izuku is now currently straining himself too much trying to obtain this bullshit dream of his being a hero. It's all because you failed being a hero and now in need of a successor right? It's all your fault that he is pushing himself past his body's limits." Azula calmly said to Toshinori anger laced in with every word she spat from her mouth.

Clenching his fists All Might stared at the glaring eyes of this 15yo girl right in front of him, All he could see in those eyes are hatred and contempt. He knew the boy was currently straining himself but the boy needed to learn about self control and not rushing into things, Although what the girl said to him was hurtful he knew in his mind that was the truth, with helpfulness plauging his mind Toshi could only answer the girl with the reason he didn't stop Izuku, calmly clenching his fists to the point of nails digging through his palm, he answered the young lady currently staring daggers right at him.

"Young Azula, Izuku shounen needed to learn about self control. I know that this may result in him with a broken body but he needed this to learn, Azula I know that you mean well but you should not let your emotions take control, Babying Izuku will lead him to depending on others and not himself, you should trust more on Izuku's resolve."

Azula hearing ALL Might's answer could only contemplate, she the once feared firebender was now letting her emotions get the better of her, was she really the once cold and fearsome warrior she was before? No, All the kindness her new family showered her made her soft. She is still Azula but now a more mellow one, not the Azula who killed anyone who drew her irk.

' Am I getting too emotional now? I need to harden myself not for me but for my family, I'm gonna repay my mother for all the love she gave me, and I am going to protect my brother with every fiber of my being. And in order to do that I need to bring back the old me, All the love has made me forget that this new world is full of people capable of destroying my newfound happiness with a simple flick of a hand, and I am now willing for anyone to do that. I am not a kid who gets my emotions ahead of me, I am Azula the heir to the fire kingdom, the once in a millenium genius at fire bending and is forged with the flames of hatred and war, I am Azula the firelord and I also am Azula borne from the Midoriya household.'

As Azula was finishing his inner monologue, Izuku while trying to drag around 3 huge tires wrapped with a rope around his waist suddenly fell face down on the sand with a huge thud.

Hearing this both Azula and Toshi turned their heads to the now face flat Izuku. Without talking the both of them untied the rope around Izuku's waist and when the rope was untied Toshi now in his muscular form hoisted Izuku around his shoulder like a bag of potato, and took Izuku to the nearest bed that they could rest Izuku on while having Azula follow him 3 steps behind.

30mins later when Izuku woke up, he received a lecture on about not straining himself and only following the schedule made for him. It was a tough time for Izuku and as he was expecting to get a lecture from his sister too, but the expected lecture never came, All he got from her was this cold stare skin to a person that saw bloodbath which naturally scared the shit out of him, but what followed the bloody stare was the serene and ice cold voice laced with concern about his wellbeing.

"Don't do that ever again."

This shocked Izuku as her vision of her sister in his mind was the aggressive and emotional loving sister, Although he is thankful about not getting another lecture this time he's still confused about what happened to her sister for her to act differently this time.

After the accident regarding Izuku straining his body has passed few days have gone by and, Izuku accompanied by Azula continued to train themselves now with Izuku following the regimen without any hitch. Days went on by as Izuku got more muscular under his shirt while Azula was now more getting more cold towards others but still having concern for those she considered her friends and family.

With 3 more days til the UA entrance examination young Izuku was sitting on his pc scrolling towards an article about how hard it is getting into UA when he suddenly heard a knock on his door. Opening the door he could see Azula with a rough sketch on hand about her desired costume.

"Hey, I heard from mom that you're good at drawing. Can you finish out the details for me please? Do me a solid and I'll treat you to ice cream when I have money."

Azula smiled tenderly while handing out a rough sketch for her future suit, It was like her usual battle clothes before she came to this world but there were details added on the side of the paper about the materials containing her new suit.

"yeah sure, but you owe me ice cream for this one." Sighing Izuku could only awkwardly smile at her sister clearly trying to not refuse. Although he sometimes wondered what happened to her sister resulting in her changing the once aggresive attitude she once had, Izuku could only be glad that it happened to her sister and now she is currently not babying her anymore and hopefully will have full trust in him while currently supporting him on becoming the future number 1 hero.