Six Main Frequencies

Joe in a humble manner asked bowing slightly "Sir, how may I be at your service?". The white haired man turned around with a beaming smile on his face "Be at ease Joe. I want to invite you as my guest." He clapped his hands, a maid entered the room, walked besides Joe then politely invited him "Sir please follow me".

Joe followed her calmly but in his mind -What could have i done, will I end up slaughtered like a pig?- The maid brought him through many corridors to a luxurious room with a king sized bed, a balcony and a bathroom.

"Sir could you lift your hands up towards the sealing?" the maid asked. Joe gulped, then followed her directions. She pulled out of her pocket a tailoring meter and quickly began wrapping around him taking measures. "Please sir relax. Tomorrow morning Breakfast will be at 7AM".

Joe looked at the maid with doubt but then stepping forward he said "What is breakfast may i ask?". The maid stared at him as if looking at a country bumpkin, she patiently explained to him. Joe's face contorted unable to understand why such fortune landed upon him, but he also felt very suspicious. -Why is the Cristiano family treating me like an esteemed guest?!-.

The maid left him alone in the room. Looking around at the luxurious room, he felt out of place as such he decided to look around. He opened the door of the bathroom out of curiosity. His jaw hit the floor because of the spa like bathroom. He slapped himself on his cheek. "Ouch!" -It's not a dream!!- He quickly opened the faucets, then stripped himself of his dirty clothes. A light moan escaped him mouth once he immerged himself in the tub of steaming water.

He scrubbed himself clean properly. Leaving the bathroom he found on the bed some things previously not present. A bathrobe and a seemingly high class suit. Joe Grabbed a cigarette from his old clothes, he walked to the balcony.

The tip of the cigarette he held, began shaking then it blurred from the strong shaking and it lit in the end. Crackle, Puff, Huff as he smoked his cigarette his gaze lifted from the endless gardens in front of him towards the planet covering part of the sky -I wonder how's Marcus doing...-.

The next day

Joe walked into a dining hall with a round table in the center. The white haired man sat reading from a hologram, he saw Joe through it, tapping on the table it disappeared, he asked Joe "Had a goodnight's sleep?".

Joe which was elegantly dressed in a perfectly fitting suit, akwardly smiled and nodded. Then sat down at the table. "Sir may I humbly ask why I have been called here?". The man "Oh, right i forgot to tell you...", "You see in the spectrum of String manifestation It is divided in a range of six Main frequencies. Your son Marcus Riviera, he's similar to me the egregious, Emanuele Cristiano because he is both a natural and can already manifest his string with mind control."Emanuele said, then he lifted his hand making a small dart appear out of thin air.

Joe's face became grim he shouted with a menacing tone "What are you trying to do to him?! Do you dare think to steal his talent?!" Noticing Joe's response the white haired man "Ah, you misunderstood my intentions Mr. Joe. I want to take your son as my disciple.". Joe dumbfoundedly stared at the white haired man. Joe quickly rose to his feet and prostrated himself in front of the sitting Emanuele he screamed "Please, Master Cristiano. Make my son somebody whom i can be proud of!"

Cristiano "I can't bear the sight of seeing you in such a position. Stand up Joe, from now consider me your Big brother." The two spent the whole morning chatting merrily with each other.

In planet Vuilia

Darius and Marcus were going towards the trial grounds, but after arriving there and stating their names, some people brought them to some hidden elevators. Once arriving to their destination the people with them indicated for them to walk forward.

Marcus arrived first, all he saw an empty floor except for a woman looking out of the windows of the skyscraper. The people who brought him, left him alone with the woman. "Ma'am, why have i been brought here? Is it because of yesterday's fight?" Marcus probed. Behind Marcus the doors opened once more and another youth entered through them. Marcus hearing the sliding doors turned to see who entered the room, after seeing Darius he instantly began glaring at him. He barely controlled his rage, wanting to prawl at him, but he could tell this was neither the right time neither the right place to do so, all he did was clutch his fists really tightly.

The woman turned towards them "Young men show me your string manifestation."

Marcus, realized she was the CEO of Atlas as such wanting to leave a good impression he made a small circle of compressed air in front of him. If someone were to be looking through it everything on the other side would look deformed.

Darius instead just stood there confused, he felt slightly imbarassed but still asked "What's string manifestation?"

The woman -You're clearly able to use your string freely yet you don't even realize it- she chuckled "You see Darius Freeborn, string manifestation is the ability to use supernatural abilities without having a vibranium space. It is dated all the way back to when humanity used to be a single planet species. Being a Natural means that you can control your innate string without need for any external factors other than training. String manifestation is being able to manifest one or more of the 6 main branches of string frequencies. The one you control is the Strenght frequency hence the reason you can't tell when you are manifesting it."

Darius still felt confused "But if I get a vibranium space I will get stronger quicker right?" The woman nodded but added "Yes, but with a major trade off. That is, in the long run you'll be weaker than a Natural."

Darius confidently "Alright. Ma'am i want to get a vibranium space injection." The CEO who thought she conveyed the underlying message was left speechless.

The CEO -After reading his family history i guess this is no surprise. His father died against the Rakin after all...- she told him "Listen boy. I know your father the Protector has fallen because of the Rakin. Don't dare underestimate them, you'll be able to get revenge only if you keep increasing your ability to tune your string with the strength frequency wave." Darius even after being splashed with a bucket of cold water. "Still, let me get a Vibranium Injection it's none of your business if i'll perish or not.". The CEO got pissed "You damn kid need to listen the more experienced." she slapped him, making him fly and slid across the floor. Darius gulped a mouthful of blood but unyieldingly he then screamed with bloodied teeth "I WON'T. I DEFINE MY FUTURE, I WON'T LET YOU DECIDE WHAT'S GOOD FOR ME!"

Marcus watching the scene unfold from the sidelines -I have to admit this fucker got some guts.-

The CEO walked in front of Darius -You sure got the same stubborness of your old man.- "Fine, do what you want." Darius felt a little dismayed seeing her almost instantaneous change of attitude. -Scary!- he thought.

"Anyways going back to topic. I was going to propose for you to join Atlas Technologies." she ignored Darius, turning to Marcus.