Endless Opportunities

Marcus felt intimidated by the woman in front of him. As such he decided to leave an escape route for himself "Ah, I... I'll think about it ma'am".

A sigh left the CEO 's mouth. "Very well, i already made my offer. You can go" she said waving her hand.

The both of them hastily walked towards the elevators frightened out of their wits from the woman's ability to change attitude in a splitsecond. Who knew if she wouldn't let them leave out of a fit of anger.

Darius walked in the trial grounds, because of his stubborness today he worked twice as hard, joining House at the end of the day, he grabbed the first foods and drinks he could find and rushed to his room. Without even touching the food, he fell asleep.

Marcus was in his room observing his home planet while enjoying his meal, until he received a call.

Seeing the unknown number "Hello?" he said picking up the call. "Hi, son! How've you been? It's only been two days yet it felt like a year to this old man you know?." Marcus said "Dad!! You know i've fought a strong guy yesterday..."

But instead of spurring the youth, Joe seriously said "Marcus, something really important happened. I need you to come back to Zonia right now!"

Marcus felt at a loss, then rebuked"Dad, Atlas offered me to nurture me into a fighter of theirs, you wouldn't have to work in that hell hole no more!!"

Joe with an undefiable tone "Marcus Riviera, I order you to come back home, RIGHT NOW!"



Joe hung up. "Damn it!" Marcus screamed crushing the phone in his hands. He unwillingly walked out of his room.

-Damn, Damn. There must be a reason dad told me to go back. After all he was the one who wished for me to get a vibranium space injection more than anyone. What could have possibly changed his mind.-

He stopped in front of a door.

Knock Knock

A man stood in front of Marcus "Can I help you with something?"

Marcus murmured "I..i wanna leave..." The man said "I didn't understand. Could you repeat it with a little higher voice?" "I Have to leave!" Marcus repeated.

The referee exclaimed "WHAT!? Please young man reconsider your talent will, bring you long ways if you join Atlas. You'll live a life of wealth and status!" he tried to persuade Marcus.

"It's decided i have to leave, please lead the way..." Marcus rebuked.

Next day

Darius woke up with aching arms and legs, he had breakfast then studied until the daily trials would take place. Time quickly began blurring the clock flying without stop, 3 months passed.

This night would be new year's eve as such, Atlas being the most facmous corporation would be hosting a comet show all around the planet to keep high public morale.



Whoohoooo many students jumped in unison in the many floor's halls, across the sky comets began flying past making a spectacular show. Darius stood from his bed and looked through the glass wall "I don't have much time left" he thought. Around his suit the black stripe still remained but a novel yellow stripe replaced the red one.

On the highest floor of the Atlas HQ the CEO was looking at some documents she then looked towards the sky -You really gave him your stubborness....-

For Darius the same routine repeated itself, the cold winter and occasional snowfall would make company to Darius while he sat in his room studying completely obsessed. He got even challenged by many other schools because of his previous match against Marcus but he rejected every single one of them. Rumors spread saying that he just got lucky with his win as such he didn't dare take up any challenge, getting mocked by many schools even classmates.

Spring arrived on planet Vuilia, warming up the windows of these menacing cold corporations.

The final day arrived.

Darius stood in a room with a single long table in front of him. The referee had watched over him for the last 6 months, yet now trees blossomed and the end of the trial finally arrived.

Many of Darius' teachers were seated besides the referee, they were questioning him in academics. "Now Joe how does string get stronger?" A white haired teacher asked with a haggard voice.

Darius felt stomped he didn't know the answer, after trying to recollect any possible answer in his mind he realized he didn't know, as such "Sir, I don't know" he answered firmly.

The referee after this question said "Darius, we apreciate the effort you put in and all" he sighed then finished "But unfortunately your accademics aren't within the top 50 of your school. As such you will NOT be granted the possibility to undergo a Vibranium space injection.". Darius gripped his fists strongly, he decided to make one last stand unwilling to back down " Sir, if i were to fight against any of the schools present I would win with my physical superiority. Sir with all due respect Isn't the way of testing flawed in this sense?" The teachers got really annoyed by what Darius said. "He just said we're a bunch of fools for not examining him properly, if you want to be examined properly how about you have a go with this old geezer." A Teacher said with condescending tone pointing towards the man who asked him about the String question.

Darius realizing he messed up, turned walking towards the door, He walked towards it with a hunched back, feeling broken and useless, bitter at himself.

A man wearing a military uniform stood from behind the table "Darius FreeBorn, if i remember properly i told you 'Join us when you finish' " Darius froze on his spot, the CO continued "The vibranium space injection shall be funded by my unit, in exchange I want you to enlist." Darius turned to look the CO in the eye, he saluted then screamed "Yes, sir!".

Planet Zonia

A youth stood in a garden, drenched in sweat. An orb of light pulsed over his palm.

"Is it like this?" Marcus said. "Yes, with time you'll reach my level" Emanuele said. He lifted his index finger towards the sky an orb as big as a football materialized out of thin air "But you can do even more than simply gather photons traveling through the air."

The football of light transformed into a black ball of matter "Here" he said while throwing it to Marcus. Marcus grabbed the black ball "It's quite heavy! But what material is it?" Emanuele answered "Well, you could say that's carbon. But there is a very big difference between that ball of carbon that I made and one that you dig out of the ground. The difference stands in the fact that if i stop feeding it vibration this happens." The ball Marcus was holding began breaking into dust and flowing towards Emanuele's index.

"Master can you teach me how to do that?!" Marcus exitedly asked. "No" he answered "You're already progressing quickly enough but you don't need such mind control techniques. They're nothing but useless tricks."

Marcus grumbled "You old geezer...". "What was that?!" POW "Ouchhhh, that hurt!" Marcus wailed... "Keep Training" Emanuele rebuked.

Marcus kept training but wasn't as focused, as earlier. He wanted to manipulate matter just like Emanuele did. He kept training in order to make the pulsing orb of light bigger. But also began thinking of how to manipulate matter, making it change states just like alchemy would.

He began thinking to the most fundemental principles. -If i take other matter as a base and fuse it together with some extra energy from my string it should make a material with as many atoms as those that fuse together.-

Later that evening Emanuele, Joe and Marcus had dinner together.

While enjoying a risotto with chicken breasts, Joe raised his fork in thought "Hey kiddo, if i remember correctly you said you fought against some kid, in your trip at Atlas last year right?"

Marcus wanted to avoid the topic if possible "Yeah, nothing interesting really happened..." it brought him bad memories, recalling that hot headed freak.

Emanuele jumped in "Come on, I want to know how you won!"

Marcus Growled " I just got done in by this freak who had strength manifestation." Emanuele laughed "See, that's what i mean when i tell you not to be too confident in yourself. There's always a mountain higher than the one you're standing on, what's his name?"

Marcus growled through his teeth "Darius FreeBorn, i swear i'll take back my pride in the future!". Emanuele instead chuckled "That's the son of the fallen protector, Seeing that you're still in front of me without any missing limbs, you fared pretty well against him, good job."

They kept having dinner merrily.

After dinner everyone went to bed. Marcus instead of going to bed right away sneaked out of his room through the window down in the garden.

-Let's see if my idea's right- First a small orb of light began gathering over Marcus' palm. Then it began pulsing drawing the surrounding air towards it.

A vortex as big as a coin formed atop of the small ball. All the air which entered disappeared. Marcus began sweating his breath slowly increasing in it's pace.

Everything stopped suddently.