Chapter 11

[ The Demon Ceremony ]

[ Meeting the scariest Family ]

—🕊Yasha Koizumi Kōsei (POVs)


We were just walking on the hallway, not until a small kid just bump into me again, but then when I looked who was it, it was the same little pumpheaded cute demon who bump into me.

( You are one hell cute demon-.. little pumpheaded kid I had ever met.)

" You again!??  " I said while she then looked at me with her cute little eye's.

( Why does this pumpkin always makes me feels like I'm about to be—soft.)

" Wahh!! I'm sorry!!! " She said, while I'm just having fun looking at her and she's about to cry too, that's just cute.

( Ah~ this pumpkin is just so cute, that'll only want me to see her cry even more.)

" Had I already told you? That if you're going to bump into me again, I'm going to smash your little head, you cute small little demon." I said

( AweSoOme~ she's about to cry! )

" Im—.." she said, but then I grab her from her shoulder very hard and tight.

" I'll smash your head off ver—." I was about to make her cry, but then someone grab me by my hand, pulling it away from this cute pumpkin's shoulder.

( Who the hell this two fox sh*ts? )

" Smash her head and I'll make sure to smash your balls too. " A red fox said.

( Is this stupid mother f*cker is threatening me now? )

( I guess this two mother f*ckers doesn't know me, tsk.)

" Don't you dare touch our little sweet princess, or I'm going to report you from her mother. " A white fox said.

( Oh? So this cute little pumpkin is a princess? )

( Now that's cute, AHAHAHA.)

( And what did he just said? Reporting me from her mother? Tsk, Tsk.)

( I guess they do haven't know me yet.)

" Tsk, report me from her mother? *laugh* go ahead, report me from her mother.*smirk*" I said, while smiling to them.

" Tell me your name. " A White Fox said.

( We'll, if he will hear my name, I guess he will be scared now.)

( I mean— when demon's hear my last name, they do always gets scared, because, my dad? Is very.. Scary.)

" My name? It's Yasha Koizumi Kōsei. *smirk*" I said with confidence, but then when I looked at this two foxes, they didn't even bother to get scared after hearing my name.

One of the fox (White fox) pulls out a phone and calls someone, while his carrying this little pumpheaded pumpkin on his arms, and then I heard the phone was ringing.

" My Queen, someone is giving a death threat to your princess." A white fox.

( Seriously? This idiot, does he really think calling this pumpkin's mom makes me scared? )

( Now that's stupid.)

" Yes, my Queen." A white fox.

When the call was over, he then put back the phone on his pants and looked at me coldly.

" The Queen will arrive in here, after the ceremony,— be prepared." A white fox said, and then the three of them left, my friends and I just laughed so hard.

" Are those two foxes are really threatening you?  *laughed*" Rikichi

" I bet they don't really know you yet, AHAHAHA. " Takehito

" I think they do know me, they are just acting cool in front of that pumpheaded cute demon." I said

" And speaking of that little girl, she's actually a princess? Man! I didn't know that, she's just a very cute demon with red eye's!  " Rikichi

( Yeah, red eye's from a very very cute demon pumpkin, is really indeed.. — very cute.)

" Though, that little demon's eyes is really familiar to me. " Takehito

" *laugh* Everything from you is just so familiar you idiot. " I said and tapped his shoulder.

" No, I'm being serious Yasha, that girls red eye, resembles from the great king Akuma. " Takehito

I then stopped walking and looked at him, now that I remember, that little cute pumpkin somehow has a resemblance from the King Akuma, though it's impossible that he and the Queen has a child, I mean.. It's been years.. And I haven't heard any news about them having a child.

" Though, it's impossible that King Akuma and Queen Runa has a child, because if they do, the news about them having a child.— Should already been all over the news from the underworld." Rikichi

" I agree." I said

" Oh yeah, I agree to that too." Takehito

" And besides, if King Akuma and Queen Runa does has a child, all demons should be celebrating about their child now. —And all demons should had been visiting to their house, especially King Akuma's family side and Queen Runa's family side. " Rickichi

" And if that pumpkin is actually their child, I'd be screwed up, and my parents will kill me too for threatening King Akuma's child, IF EVER that pumpkin is theirs. *laugh*" I said

" Exactly.*smile*" Rikichi

" But again, those two foxes, I think I already know them somewhere. " Takehito

" Here we go again. *smile*" Rikichi

" Oh yeah! now that I remember, those foxes are actually brother's! They are the most skill full soldiers from the underworld! " Takehito

" What? No way!?  " Rikichi

" If they are soldiers from the underworld, then what are they doing here now? " I said while we were all walking down the stairs, cause we will be having school ceremony.

" As far as I know, those two foxes are a former soldier from the underworld, and..—oh sh*t. " Takehito

We all then stopped our tracks, when suddenly Takehito just froze up and looks a bit scared all of a sudden, and his face looks so pale.

" What's wrong? Did you had a stomach problem again?  Man! Why do you eat so much foods today. " Rikichi

" T-those two f-foxes just now, a-are.. King Akuma and Queen R-Runa's most loyal servant." Takehito

( Servant from the King Akuma and Queen Runa!??? )


\\ My Queen, someone is giving a death threat to your princess. \\

( Queen...)


" Now that I remember, the red hair fox name is... Yoru and his older brother who was carrying that little demon is Zenaku.. —F*ck." Rikichi

( Is this f*cking serious!??? )

( H-how did they had a child!? )

( I mean.. They must had gone through s*x. But why didn't I know that!?? )

( That's f*cking impossible.)

" Dude, you're screwed up. " Takehito

" Now, that's bullsh*t, there's no way, Queen Runa and King Akuma is her mother and father." I said











" Hello Everyone. *smile*" Queen Runa

( F*ck..)

( My dad will kill me.)

" Does everyone know who I am?  *smile*" Queen Runa, and all the demon students in here are shouting out loud.

" Of course you all do *smile* But do you know why I am here today? *smile*" Queen Runa

" My Queen!!! We are all honored to see you in our school for the first time!!! " someone shouted and from the looks from it, Queen Runa just smiled.

" I'm only here, because someone in here inside this school *smile* threatened my child. " After the Queen said that, the lights inside were flickering on and off and, I noticed from the demon students.. The faces that they were making were priceless.

While me... I'm freaking sweating in here from nervousness. Because today, might be my Funeral.

" But.. Today we will be having our ceremony. Students, sing the song. *smile*" Queen Runa

The music then starts and all the student in here are singing out loud, while I'm actually getting nervous from time to time.

" Now I have this feelings, that the little cute girl, is that her mother is Queen Runa. " Rikichi

" By the way, Queen Runa is actually looking and glaring at you, —right now.*whispered*" Takehito said and so I looked at him angrily.

( Thanks a lot stupids.)


When the days are cold

And the bloods all flood,

And the demon saints we see~

Are all made of gold,

When human commit suicide

We hail them to come in hell,

And the worst of all

Is burning their soul—. alive!! ~

We are the demons

Demons from underworld

No matter what demon breed we are,

We still are made of greed

Underworld is our kingdom,

This is our kingdom and humans is our food!!!

We eat humans, breakfast and lunch

Then when we are thirsty, we drink their blood

We are demons, we eat humans,

We all eat humans up, so they better run

We are Demons, we eat humans, we drink their blood

Breakfast and lunch, humans are our food

We are the demons and we eat humans up! ~

We are the demons and we eat all humans up!!!