Chapter 10

[ Vameth Sins, Institute Of Demon School ]

—🕊Mizuhashi Yurina Rokurō (POVs)

As we arrived to a school which is really freaking hugeeee!

And I'm now seeing lots of types of demon's from the school I'm going to attend.

And there is even a freaking demon with its one eye! And there's another demon with three talking heads! And there's more!!

There's a demon with its body is—... Is a snake!!! 

They all had this weird feature, and weird type of body, but some are actually normal like me, but except for the part that they had horns and they can even hide their own tails or even their big and small wings.

" Okay sweet cake, face the front and smile for the camera. *smile*" Father said and then I smiled in front of the camera and do the peace sign in front of the camera too, and then next — we all had a family photo.

" Have a beautiful day my sweet darling! *smile*" Mother said and then went inside the car as Yoru and Zenaku also went inside too and then the car then flies away from us.

" Here. *showing a phone*" Father

" Oh? A mobile papa? " I asked

" Yes, if you want something or missed me, you can always communicate me through this phone. *smile*" Father said and so I smiled.

" And here, read this written out loud inside the paper if the ceremony will begin and a professor calls you okay? IF only. *smile*" Father

" Yes papa! *smile*" I said and he then disappeared right in front of me.

( He must be going to his work now.)

( What's inside this paper exactly? )

And as I opened it, I then read the writings that was written inside the paper, that papa give to me.

'Good Luck everyone and have beautiful day, Good luck! goooodd luccccck. '

( This looks piece of cake to me.)

As I was starting to walk inside the school, I then stop when a demon calls me.

" Hey! " Demon A

( We'll, I don't know them, so let's just call them demon A-Z.)

" Y-yes? " I said

" Are you a new demon in here? " Demon A

" Y-yes." I said

" We'll, welcome to Vameth Sins, Institute Of all demon's. *smile*" Demon B and so I just smiled and walked away from them, I might get into trouble if I stay longer.

" Hey, you almost scared her." I heard the Demon A's voice.

" Shut up, looks she's a really cute demon, she's so kawaii!!!  " I heard the Demon B's voice too.

( Kyaah!!! Papa!!! )

I then walked as fast as I can, but then I bump into a tall looking demon guy with red hair and red eye's and he was looking at me very angrily.

" I'm sorry." I said, bowing my head low in front of a tall looking demon.

" Bump into me again, and I'll smash your small little head, blind stupid pumpheaded pumpkin—cute girl." he said

And when I looked at him again, he looks so scary and so I run away from that tall scary demon in front of me, not until I bump into another demon—AGAIN, and all her books were scattered around.

" I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please let me help you. " I said

" No! Do not help me! And stay away! Or I will cut your head off, you —.. *looks at me* You... You small twinny winny prinkle head cute potato." said to another demon girl.

( Wahhh!!! Papa, why are there so many scary demon!??.)

" Please, let me help you, I-i didn't mean to bump into you, so please let me help. *smile*" I said

" I said to never help, I don't need help, stay away, or I'm really going to cut your head off—*looks at me again* gosh why the hell a demon like you looks so cute." she said angrily, but I just... started to pick her books up.

" I said it already!!!  Don't — " she said

" Where am I going to bring all of this?  *smile*" I said

( Keep it up together Yurina.)

( Yoru says, I need to hide the fact that I'm still a human.)

" Ugh!!! you and yourself—and your stubbornness.. *looks at me* and your cuteness—, is getting into my nerves! " she shouted.

" *looks at me again* You..—you  little demon, you're so very annoying and can't even understand the word 'DO NOT and DON'T '." She said and she started walking to the left side and so I followed her.

As we reach to a huge door and it says above 'Student President' she then later on opened the door and as I entered, the room was very magnificent and so —clean.

" Leave it on the table and go now." she said and so I did what she said, and when I was about to leave, she stopped me.

" Stop, what's your name potato Head? " she said

" I'm Mizuhashi Yurina Rokurō, my dad is Akuma Hida Rokurō and my mommy is Runa Haruhi Rokurō. *smile*" I said and then leave.

( Ah! Why are there so many demons! )

( Ah! It's a school of demons, of course there will be lots of demon's! )


" You again!??  " I then looked at the tall guy in front of me and it was the same scary guy I bump into the first place.

" Wahh!! I'm sorry!!! " I said

" Had I already told you? That if you're going to bump into me again, I'm going to smash your little head you pumpheaded pumpkin— cute small little demon." He said

( Why do he always keep saying I'm a cute demon?? )

" Im—.." I said but then he grabs me from the shoulder very hard.

" I'll smash your head off ver—." He said but then someone grabs him by his hands and it was Yoru, and Zenaku carries me in his arms.

" Smash her head and I'll make sure to smash your balls too. " Yoru

" Don't you dare touch our little sweet princess, or I'm going to report you from her mother. " Zenaku

" Tsk, report me from her mother? *laugh* go ahead, report me from her mother.*smirk*" The red haired guy said

" Tell me your name. " Zenaku

" My name? It's Yasha Koizumi Kōsei. *smirk*" The red haired guy said with confidence.

( What is his name again? Tasha kumi ko say? )

Zenaku then grabs his phone and called someone.

( Is he going to call papa? )


Zenaku - [ My Queen, someone is giving a death threat to your princess.]

( Queen???? My mommmy ????? Oh no!!! )

( Mommy says that if someone made me cries, she will make sure to ripped their entire body.)

Zenaku - [ Yes, my Queen.]


" The Queen will arrive in here, after the ceremony,— be prepared." Zenaku said and we then left them, and I saw the red haired guy and his scary friends was just laughing so hard and walked away too.