Excitement For The Day After Tomorrow

A soft noise caused Luke to jump up from his bed. It seemed like he had fallen asleep because the bedroom lights were still on. He could hear the faint sound of his family downstairs indicated that everyone was still up and moving around.

He was still exhausted from today's football practice and all he could think about was returning to his dreams.

Getting out of bed, he strolled to his bathroom, to quickly bathe and change his clothes for bed. Tossing his clothes that he had come home with in the basket, he took a hot bath and returned to his bedroom to take off the lights and return to bed.

With the time on the wall clock saying Wednesday 11th @ 11:30 pm he wondered what he should do for his twentieth birthday on Friday? Placing that thought at the back of his mind for tomorrow, he closed his eyes and went back to sleep.

"Happy Birthday, was the sound that woke him up!" Luke opened his eyes to see his parents and his sister, standing by his bed with smiles on their faces."

Though I appreciate the gesture he responded, as he rose upwards, my birthday isn't until.....

Luke's eyes glanced at the wall clock to see that the date was Friday 13th at 7 am of the year 2000.