A Glitter In A Dark Place

Luke dressed for school and began packing his bag with books for the four classes that he had today. All that was needed was his school shoes which he had a problem finding at this moment. Remembering that it was probably beneath his bed he bent down to look under his king size bed, for it. Seeing it he quickly pulled it out however something glittered under the bed which caught his eye.

Next to where his shoes had been was what looked like a purple gem. He had never seen such a thing in his room before. It looked like a cut purple gemstone, the size of a large grape, sitting under his bed.

Luke reached under his bed slightly for it, grasping it with his right hand and brought it from under the bed. When he was out from under his bed, he looked around only to realize that he wasn't in his room anymore. It was just him and his bed in a different and strange place with darkness all around in the distance.

'He immediately remembered those shows where the protagonist was able to teleport himself to other places. Maybe this gem allowed him to teleport, he thought jokingly however why was his bed here as well.'

Turning towards the darkness it seemed to be alive and moving however it was held back by an item that emitted light in the center of the room. At the center of the room was an hourglass with crystal clear glass and a silver gilt that surrounded the glass and held the hour glass in place.

The silver part of the hour glass illuminated a bright light that pushed back all the darkness and allowed what could only be described as five floating streams of light, to move through and around the glass as if they were a living being and the glass was their home.

'Much like bees flying around their home,' Luke thought to himself.

Clutching the gem, Luke started approaching the hourglass but as he grew closer the gem in his hand started emitting a bright purple light. When he opened his hand the light had gotten so bright that Luke got temporarily blinded by it.

When the light subsided, he was back in his room again, still holding the gem but no light emitted from it.

It seemed that all he had seen was a vision of somewhere. Confused by the vision, he pondered if he should tell his friend about it. Putting the gem in his pants pocket, he put on his shoes, grabbed his bag and headed to the comic book store to meet Kennrick.