How were you able to move, when time was frozen, Luke asked? Are you able to do the same thing that I can do.
I don't think so she, she responded?
So how were you able to move, when time had stopped.
Using her hand, she began to unbutton the top of her blouse. What are you doing, Luke asked a bit startled.
Take your mind out of the gutter, she stated as she revealed a silver necklace with a pendant. In the pendant was a green gem about the same size as the one Luke had in his pocket.
Hmm… Luke murmured. So what does it allow you to do?
Gum, she asked, changing the conversation? It's my last one.
To continue the conversation, he accepted it, unwrapped and began chewing it. It had a watermelon and strawberry flavor to it.
So what does your gem allow you to do, he asked again?
A demonstration, she asked with a smiled. Gum, she asked?
Whaaa? I thought the one you gave me before was the last one you had, Luke asked?
This gum is the one that I had given you, she responded.
Luke felt around in his mouth with his tongue but he could not find the one he had been chewing. It was as if she had not given him it at all yet he still tasted the flavor in his mouth.
He looked at the wrapped one she held in her hand and he wondered, how was that even possible.
I believe that I am able to redo or replay certain events of my choosing, she responded. It always seems to be linked to an item. You are left with the after effects of the incident even though it has not happened yet.
Earlier you saw me eating an ice-cream.
Yes, I did, Luke responded.
I had been eating that ice-cream for thirty minutes, Melinda explained. I had finished eating it four times before you saw me.
Luke was a bit shocked but also intrigued. So it gives us both different abilities, but it does not explain how you could still move.
Melinda thought for a minute and then said, maybe it does not affect me due to the fact that the gems are all connected.
Gems, Luke asked even more intrigued. He immediately asked, how do you know that their are more?
Melinda looked at him and said, we will get to that in a bit. Then she asked him a different question, what do you know about yesterday?
Luke stated that he knows that everyone else believes that what happened Wednesday was what happened Thursday!
But what do you think happened, she questioned?
I don't know what to think, he responded. All I know is that it is a day which events are unaccounted for, so maybe it did not happen.
But it did, she interjected. It had happened like normal but everyone seemed to not remember it because we were unable to experience it.
What do you mean, Luke asked?
What did you do on Wednesday before twelve am, she asked him before answering his question.
I went to sleep early that day, he answered so I was asleep.
I wasn't she said with a hint of remorse in her tone. Let me tell you what had happened when Wednesday eleventh ended and Thursday the twelfth began.