Temporary Darkness

Wednesday 11th at 11:50 pm

'Argument between Mother & Father begins.'

Melinda stepped unto the roof of her family's home as her father started to quarrel with her mom. He always gets this way whenever he leaves to hang out with his friends and returns. The intoxication of the alcohol always takes complete control of him.

When that happened, Melinda usually comes to the roof to look out at the ocean whenever things got too heated within their home. As their home was positioned on a small hill, she could see the lights on in homes as well as the moving tides of the ocean in the distance. She was also able to discern and see the lights in the yachts as they slowly moved through the water.

"Are you going to hit me," she heard her mom say from downstairs.

Melinda could see the lights on, in her neighbor's home indicating that someone was up. She pondered what it would be like to be in a regular family, as she sat on the concrete area of their flat rooftop.

While she pondered about this, their clock downstairs chimed indicating that it was twelve am in the morning. As she was about to get up, to head back downstairs to her room, an un-moving light in the sky caught her attention

It was a bright light that got brighter and expanded as if a large star had suddenly exploded. Just as the light began to subside, Melinda saw five streams of light heading in the towns direction. The lights were a variety of different, individual colors.

While looking at the lights in the nights sky, everything suddenly went black. It was as if all the lights were switched off in the world.

'Darkness was everywhere as one who had closed their eyes and fallen asleep.'

Melinda did not know how much time had passed but after a while she was able to see again. Looking around, she was still on the roof however not to far from where she sat was a glowing small green gem which emitted a strange green light.

As she tried to move to go near to it, she realized that she was unable to move. Her body was unresponsive, as if it was trapped or being held in place by something. Her eyes could move and she could utilize her other senses but moving her body was impossible.

'The flow of time had been disrupted however everything was still being held in place, as reality seek to correct itself!'

As time passed on, Melinda realized that everything else was experiencing the same problem that she was experiencing. Nothing was moving and all was quiet. As the sun came up, there were no birds or any man made noise that entire morning.

Melinda had began to wonder if it was the gem that was allowing her to be aware of everything that was taking place. She could even see that there were things that was wrong with the world at this moment.

Because of the sun shining high in the sky, she was unable to see any other lights in the sky.

As time passed on, the day was unbearable but happiness eventually came when the sun began to descent and darkness crept into existence. Melinda's parched lips longed for the taste of water however she was still unable to move.

Thankfully, before despair could of taken hold, she felt her body relax and she was finally able to move.

The sound of the clock below chimed to the sound of midnight as her mother and father continued their argument.