All The Pieces Have Assembled

Luke followed in hot pursuit, hearing their footsteps close by, then around the corner. Then the next, then the next until he ended up at the indoor gym for the school. When he entered, one of the second guy fell unto the ground and Greg had Jeff's face planted into a gym locker. Greg had his left hand on Jeff's back while holding his right hand with his.

Luke was extremely impressed however they were both model students and this type of behavior needed to stop. Luke reached to touch Greg on his shoulder. Greg saw a shadow behind him and he reacted to the shadow of the individual who had snuck up on him.

Greg pushed down on the back of Jeff's knee and then pushed him towards the ground. As he began falling in slow motion, Greg turned to counter the hand that was reaching for him.

All this was quickly taking place however Luke was only able to see pieces or fragments of what had transpired. To him, it was as if Greg was either moving faster than everyone around him or were we just moving much slower than he was?

Greg reacted to counter Luke with amazing speed however Luke decided to briefly stop everything. Luke stopped time around them which cancelled the slowing effect that Greg was emitting in the area for the two seconds that Luke froze time for.

This shocked Greg when Luke was able to effortlessly stop his hand as he had reached to grab his.

Just before this had happened, Mr. Benjamin and Melinda were outside the front entrance of the gym's, about to come in when Melinda heard Mr. Benjamin say under his breath "What is this?"

Just as he had finished saying it, she felt the burst of magical energy as time had stopped briefly. To her surprise, Mr. Benjamin was able to walk into the room the same time that she had unaffected by the stoppage of time.

Luke had only done it briefly but all four of them felt its effect as they stood in the indoor gym.

Mr. Benjamin immediately scolded Jeff and his friends who were unaware of what had taken place magically, that they should be ashamed of themselves. As the senior quarterback and captain of the team, he should have known better and acted better.

The three of them left the gym ashamed of their actions before the teacher while the other four of them remained to talk amongst themselves in the gym.

How did you do that, Greg asked Luke?

I am guessing that you have one of these, he stated, showing him the gem in his chain.

A surprised look came over the Greg's face when saw the purple gemstone. He raised his Jersey slightly to reveal a belt with a huge silver MMA buckle. In the center was a red gem. It was protected by a slidable belt buckle cover.

As the group watched him, bring back down its cover, Melinda said out loud 'I believe the professor is also a holder of a gem.'

Luke turned around and looked at Mr. Benjamin with a slightly shocked expression on his face. "Is this true," Luke asked?

Mr. Benjamin nodded and then he responded opening the pocket watch that was hanging at his side. It was just the shell of a pocket watch but inside was a blue gemstone.

"What does it do," Melinda asked curiously to Mr. Benjamin?

I get glimpses of things that are to come, he stated.

So you can see the future, Greg asked slightly amused?

One may say so, Benjamin answered.

We should meet up, tomorrow afternoon after school. Let's meet at the local park on Iris Street, said Luke. In the school is not the best place to talk about this. They all agreed to meet at the park tomorrow afternoon and they began to disperse. Greg packed his bag and was the last to leave the room.

At the end of the hall was the shadow of a person who was leaning unto the wall watching as all of them left the indoor gym with the intention of meeting up tomorrow.