Making Plans For The Future

The next day the students were notified that 'test exams' would be taking place and the end of the semester was at the end of the following week.

This would mean that the students would be busy studying for the end of this week, into next week.

Studying begins Kennrick joked at his friend Luke as they left the last class for the day.

Shall we head home, Kennrick asked as they passed through the front door of the school?

Going to take a walk in the park, Luke responded as Melinda appeared from a crowd and walked towards him.

No problem man, Kennrick answered with a smile. Will catch you later then, he continued as he started walking away in the western direction.

Luke and Melinda began walking in the eastern direction towards the nearby park.

The well kept park on Iris Street was over five acres with large fruit trees and a small pond at the far southern corner.

After admiring the scenery, Luke and Melinda started walking towards the nearby gazebo. Close by was a sliver vehicle which belonged to Mr. Benjamin who was waiting for them inside the park gazebo. He sat at the seating area waving at them when he saw them approaching.

After sitting, they waited for Greg who showed up five minutes later to the group. The park was scarce of other people so they were able to speak to each other without interference.

Luke began to tell them about his ability, his vision and his thoughts, about what he believes should be done. "That the gems would need to be returned to the that room that he had seen!" He believes that that is the original place for them.

"And what if I don't want to return them," Greg responded sharply. I have never felt this great and important before since I first acquired this gift from God.

'This magical gem!'

How did you acquire it, if you don't mind me asking, Melinda asked? Then Greg began to say what transpired on Wednesday at twelve midnight.

Wednesday 11:55 pm. The night time was disrupted.

Musical lyrics: 'Tin! Tin, Tin, Tin… Dum, Dum, Dum! The eye of the tiger!'

Greg stopped under the beach shed and sat down on the bench for a few minutes. Dusting off beach sand from his clothes, he made sure to keep his legs straight as he sat down so that his blood would not get restricted.

Greg looked out at the large stretch of darkness into the unknown as it smashed unto the sand and the rocks, breaking the silence of the beach.

Running through the sand on the beach at night was definitely a way to increase one's stamina plus not much people crowded the beaches at night. It was the perfect time, Greg thought to himself to exercise.

As Greg looked up at the sky, a bright light illuminated the skies. For a brief instant, Greg saw a tower in the sky as the light illuminated the clouds and then got brighter. After that, a red stream of light seemed to turn in his direction, coming over the water and then brief darkness.

Unable to see or move, Greg pondered the circumstances that was currently taking place. After an unknown amount of time had taken place, he was able to see and directly before him was some red smoke at the front of the entrance to the shed.

It took twenty four hours before he was able to move again. Thankfully he had stopped under the beach shed before this ordeal had taken place else he would have been stuck on the beach in the hot sun, he said. Quite fortunate, he chuckled.

Quite… Melinda repeated with a slit bit of jealously.

Though I had acquired the gem, Greg explained, I did not realize the magical effects that it had until the next day when I was able to force the world around me to slow down. Everything moved slowly while I seemed to move at normal pace. 'I was able to dominate time. Slowing it's pace to my choosing!'

It is quite easy to do all things that one wishes when the world moves at my desired pace. That is why, I was truly surprised to see someone who can manipulate time like I can, Greg stated looking at Luke.

Isn't this a great gift from God, Greg asked Luke. One definitely need to think before throwing a gift like this away.

Don't you mean returning, Luke asked? We should return the gemstones to their rightful place

I said exactly what I mean, Greg affirmed.

Changing the mood of the atmosphere, Luke turned to Mr. Benjamin and asked 'And how did you come across 'your gift?'

Well I…. Mr. Benjamin paused his statement. Then he stood up and looked around.

"Someone is coming, Mr. Benjamin said with !"

The three of them looked around at the vacant park and wondered who it was.

Who, Greg asked? I can take them, he continued.

It is a…. Mr. Benjamin answered.

Woman, an unknown voice said. Everyone turned to see a woman leaning on the barrier of the gazebo.

Luke turned to see a fellow student named Fiona leaning on the barrier.

Do you know her, Mr. Benjamin asked?

Right, Melinda cutter in. She was absent for most of this semester which is when you started teaching here.

Fiona is a French student who had moved to Wales a couple of years ago, moving in to one of the castles. Though she has a few caretakers living with her, her parents do not live in the country.

Greg asked Fiona, I heard a rumor that you attended a gymnastic tournament in the USA. That's why you were not at school.

Maybe, she responded not giving up any information. Then she turned to properly face them and upon her upper right arm was a large gold bracelet with a few gems but a large on in particular stood out. A large yellow gem in the center stood out before all the others.

No wonder you were able to appear without us seeing you, stated Melinda.

Then you have come to the right place, Luke said with a welcoming smile. Have a seat and tell us about yourself and how you came into possession of that gem.