I would like to thank you, the readers who have read through the first Part and book of this story. Even though It may have some wording errors and bad punctuations you endured through the end of it.
The idea for the concept of the story came when the writer 'foolishly' forgot what day it was. Thought, it was Thursday when it was actually Friday.
'Happens to the best of us!'
The concept of having lost twenty four hours, (One Day) came as the initial idea for a story. Decided to put fingers to keyboard and type out the idea, tailored to meet the needs of the current writing event. The rest of it is history.
The idea for the magical abilities of the story came from the observation of the old fashion, clunky tape recorders and cassette players. These historic machines were able to:
Rewind - Melinda's magical ability of being able to Rewind / Replay a certain instance which can however have a different outcome.
Fast Forward - Fiora's magical ability which allows her to Fast Forward or Speed Up herself or something that she wants to.
Stop - Luke's magical ability which allows him to stop 'things' in a particular area around him. Very straightforward.
Slow down - Slowing down is a relatively new concept to those recorders from those past ones where an individual can slow the output of the audio while playing. This is Greg's ability which allows him to slow down the area around himself.
Visuals of this application have been seen in games and movies where the hero goes into a 'bullet time' trance and the environment moves in slow motion for everyone except the hero.
Future sight - This is an application to video / audio where the user of the device is able to see the future frames of the video and choose where to place the 'playing frame.'
'This feature is not on those clunky audio players, if you were wondering!'
This allows the teacher, Mr. Benjamin to see future events that he is directly involved in however he is unable to control which events that he can see nor can he control how far into the future he is able to see.
These applications, though not unique in nature, were to be placed by the writer in a unique story that was creative, easy to understand and interesting to bring forth to the reading audience of his understanding of time. Thank you for your 'time' in ready this piece of magical fiction.
The journey of our heroes will begin in the second upcoming part - The Lost Of One Part II - The End Of The Paradox in Time. Stay tuned!!