After crying in bed for awhile I got up and got ready for the day, in the modern world I have an older sister named Kaya that was 10 years old and a younger sister named Dionna who recently turned 3 months. My parents got divorced when I was only 4 years old, a little bit after I started having the ongoing dream. I got ready very slowly since I was dreading the fact that I had to go to school. I was struggling in school I had problems reading aloud, my teachers said that they thought I had a speech problem, but I was simply a slow learner. I got bullied a lot, and the principle said that it wasn't her problem. But the worst part is that I have to write a ten page essay about Zebras, and I'm only in second grade.
After a very long day I was finally going back to the world that I loved it was my happy place, at least it was till it all came down in ash's... now thinking back I realized that my entire family and two of my closest friends died and it was all my fault! The only reason why my hole family was over was because of me if it wasn't my birthday they would have never came! They came to celebrate me! But if I never existed than they would still be alive! The place that I call home would have never gotten burnt to the ground. At that moment even though I was only 7 I thought about taking my own life as soon as I got back to the other world. I thought It would be easier for them to survive if I wasn't around. They might also hate me now since I was the reason why we lost everything we cared about. At that very moment I knew what I was going to do when I woke up, so I went ahead and let myself drift to sleep.
Josh runs into the royal garden in a panic.
Josh: PRINCESS!!! Come out please it can't be that bad.
Zoey: YES IT IS JOSH!!! Why does this always happen to me?!?!
Josh: please just come out I already dealt with the bullies
I slowly popped my head out from the bushes.
Josh: look at you, you have leaves all over you.
Josh started picking leaves out of my hair one by one. Gradually my eyes started to fill up with tears till it started to overflow I couldn't stop myself from crying. Then Josh hugged me.
Zoey: why can't I make any friends?!?!?
I hear my bedroom door open I felt really light headed, I was sick with a fever. Two people walked into the room one of them was Erik and the other was Kaden. They came up to my bed with a bowel with water in it and a clothe. I tried to get up but Erik pushed me back down and told me I had to rest. Kaden wet the clothe and passed it to Erik who than placed it on my forehead. A maid then came in with a bowel of soup. Kaden helped me to sit up. Erik then poison check the food and than let me eat it after he confirmed it was safe. After eating I layer back down and Kaden put a new clothe on my head.
Erik: don't worry princess we won't leave you we are here for you.
Kaden: he's right plus we won't let you get poisoned ever again.
After hearing that I drifted to sleep and when I woke up the two of them were sleeping next to my bed with there heads on my bed. They actually never left me.
Maid: is everything ready
Maid #2: yup all the cookies, cupcakes and pies are made for the queens tea party meeting.
Maid: okay let's serve the tea before we bring the desserts in.
Maid #2: Okay lets go.
Joseph opens one of the kitchen cabinets.
Joseph: Okay the coast is clear.
He gives me a big smile and pulls me out of the cabinet.
Zoey: WOW!!! You were right there is a lot of cookies!!!
My mouth starts drooling and my eyes widened all I could think about was getting my hands on one of those sugar snap cookies.
Joseph: SHHHHH!!! Do you want to get caught???
I shook my head and we both started to fill our bags with cookies and cupcakes but when I went to back up I accidentally bumped into the counter. Joseph turned around and saw that the flour was about to fall on top of me, he ran over and covered me the best he could from the flour. After it stopped pouring out of the bag we took one look at each other and bursted into laughter. Than he grabbed me by the hand and started racing towards the stables. We grabbed a horse and bolted out of the castle, with all the cookies and cupcakes of course.
I started to wake up it felt warm and I could feel tears rolling down my face. I started to think that all of the happiness that I had was now gone, it was time for me to stop cursing the people I care about with my presence. I tried to move but for some reason it was hard to it felt like I was restrained. I finally opened my eyes to see that I was cuddled up next to Kaden and Joseph, we were laying against a tree and their arms were around me as if to protect me. I could see a dagger that looked like Joseph's not to far from me. I started to reach for it without waking one of them up. But before I could get it I heard a rustle in the bushes. I turned my attention to the bushes and braced myself for the worst.