Water Fight

Kaden POV

After we settled everything and finished A LOT of explaining to the siblings Luke took them outside to have a tour of the village. When we first got here they seemed to be very hostile towards us, but after some explaining from Luke while he was talking to the elders, they accepted our stay. But we can not stay for more then one moon. If it was up to me I would have let the siblings stay for a bit longer so they could have time to relax and have a breather from everything that happened over the last little bit; sadly that is not possible, we have to leave as soon as possible with no time to spare. Speaking about the events that happened not to long ago, I wonder what even started all of this chaos to begin with. Everything was fine before we left, and I didn't sense anyone with bad intentions, Plus no one had an aura like they were ready to kill or perform a mass murder. So it really didn't make any sense that the palace went down into a sea of flames, And even if there was a small kitchen fire it wouldn't have spread to the whole forest, it would have to be magic if anything. But The queen and I are the only magic users in the castle, the queen knowing her nature wouldn't try to destroy her kingdom with flames; nor would she have the reason too. I also wonder if my magic bubble held up against the fire and Erik is safe. We should probably head back there sometime to check how much damage was really done.

Zoey POV

Once everything was explained Luke took Joseph and I out to see the village. It looked like a nice peaceful village that was thriving on its own. There were many different types of food growing in the ground, and up in the trees that I have never seen before. Looking at how peaceful everything was at the village; it made me feel as though there was still hope in saving the kingdom, or what was left of it anyways. It also made me think about how selfish I was being thinking about killing myself. Now that I think about it if I did end up killing myself i would have left Joseph to takeover the throne all by himself.

While I was lost in thought, I didn't notice that Luke was leading us into the forest. Until Joseph splashed water on my face. I look up to see both Joseph and Luke laughing at me!!! I felt so mad that I splashed water right back at him which just made Luke laugh even harder. That was when both Joseph and I looked at each other, and then attacked Luke with water. I believe it went out of control just a little when I noticed all three of us was in the little lake completely soaked.

Luke: you know two against one isn't a fair fight!!!

Joseph: but if I don't just attack you then I would have to attack my sister!!!

Luke: it's just water it won't kill her!!!

Joseph: but we've always been a team!!! Plus what if I accidentally drown her from splashing her with water?!


That was when I jumped onto my brothers back and tackled him into the water. Shortly after we both came up from under the water and started bursting out in laughter. To be honest I never wanted this moment to end but suddenly Luke became hostile after hearing a snap sound in the bushes. He pulled me behind him and Joseph.

Luke: WHO'S THERE?!?!?