My Girl

18... I'm 18 today and I can find my mate! I need some light in my life and finding her would be perfect!

"Carsey!" Anna calls from outside my door. Man I love her voice. She became a great friend a year ago and sence then I've wanted her as my mate.

"Come in beautiful." I tell her.

"Wow!" She says as she walks in. "You! Oh my!" She squeals running in to hug me. "Mine!" She growls kissing me.

"Really?!" I ask excited by her declaration. She's my mate!

"Of course! Don't you find me attractive?" She asks.

"The most attractive." I respond.

"And my scent? You like it?"

"Yes! It's amazing!"

"And it feels good when I touch you?" She smiles and places a hand on my face kissing my neck.

"Mmm hummm." I hum unable to form words with her lips on me.

"Then why do you question it?"

"I don't! I'm just glad its you!" I say trying to repair the damage I've done to my mate. I can't let her think I'm rejecting her! "Can I mark you?... I don't want a ceremony my father'd ruin that. Please just you and me. Right now be mine Anna! I love you!"

"Carson... I can't... I'm not ready to leave my family I'm only 18... but we could practice for our mateing bond." She grins pushing my chest so I lay on the bed.

"I was saving myself for when I mate." I tell her.

"But I am your mate... doesn't that count?... we can do the bond later but I want you... please Carson... Mate." She hisses the last word in my ear biting it before kissing my neck.

"Yea... my Mate... I'd do anything for you." I mumble enjoying her touch.


I walk down to the kitchen with my mate under my arm and a grin on my face.

"Happy birthday son." Father says on his way to his office. He stops when he notices Anna under my arm.

"Anna, good to see you." He smiles.

"You too Alpha." She giggles hiding her face in my chest.

"Mates?" He asks me and I nod happily.

"Good job Anna... Congratulations both of you... so ceremony?" He asks with a grin.

"We decided to wait." I say and his mood sours.

"Anna! Are you not going to accept him! You need an heir boy! The sooner the better! Tie the knot! Claim her! You're lucky to find each other so early!" He fumes.

"Calm down father! It's our lives and our decision! Not yours!" I yell pulling Anna behind me protectively.

"Fine!" He huffs then looks to Anna. "Your mistake!"

Father has calmed down the more time he spends with Mason. He ignores Aaron but honestly it's better for the boy. As long as I'm careful he doesn't send me to the infirmary. I still get a stray punch or slap but nothing I can't handle. I still block Aaron from his wrath. No way I'll let father beat on him! I can take alot, believe me. Life is... tolerable.... and now I have my mate so it can only get better!

"I'm sorry about him baby." I say to Anna once father leaves. "I'll make it up to you! How about we have dinner tonight with my Ma... shes much better than my Father and I'm sure she'll love you!"

"We can do that... but can't we eat and go back up to your room for a bit? I just found my mate and I'd like to spend some quality time with him." She smiles running a finger on my chest. I growl

"Your wish us my comand." I say picking her up along with the plate she made and running upstairs.


"So nice to meet you!" Ma says as Anna and I walk into the house.

"Hay bro!" A 9 year old Aaron says hugging me. "This the mate?"

"Sure is!" I smile wrapping my arms around her and inhaling her scent. It smells nice. Comfortable... like home.

"Hot! I approve." He grins and I growl. "Chill Andy! Shes to old for me anyway." He laughs.

"Aaron! Go set the table!" Mother scolds him. "I'm sorry Anna he's still a pup."

"No problem Luna... I've only got eyes for this Alpha here." Anna smiles and I give her a squeeze.

"So how'd the epic 'first meeting' go when you discovered you're mates?" Ma asks.

"Funny thing... she thought I was rejecting her when I asked her if she was sure about me! Honestly I was just amazed. I've wanted her to be my mate for the last year!" I say.

"I went to wake him up and it was like magic as soon as I saw him." Anna says.

"Yet you aren't marked?" Ma asks.

"Not you too!" I groan.

"What?! You slept with her yet she doesn't bear your mark! What am I to think?! I thought I raised you better!" She scolds me.

"Maaaa! I'm a grown man and she's my mate! Can't you be happy for me?!" I complain.

"I'm sorry honey... I am happy for you just concerned... are you sure you're mates? Because the control to not mark her when you..."

"MA!!!" I interrupt her. "Stop now! Yes Anna is my mate! Her scent is home, her touch is pleasure, her voice is music, I love her!"

"If you're sure... welcome to the family Anna." Ma says smiling at her.

"Ummmm... can I go now?" Aaron asks awkwardly.

"Yes Aaron, clean your dishes first." He groans but does as hes told.

"I'll put a record on and we can talk more... I'd like to get to know you better Anna." Ma smiles walking towards the player.

Anna looks uncomfortable and I don't want her to feel that way. I want my mate happy always.

"Actually Ma, we're gonna head out. It was a lovely dinner, thank you." I say leading Anna out.

"Yes thank you Luna!" She says as we leave.

"Love you Andy!" Ma calls and I turn to look at her.

"Love you too... I always will." I tell her.


"Sooo mate!?" Anna asks as we sit in my room. "Are you excited to be Alpha? I mean in 2 years you will prove yourself... that's gotta be invigorating!"

"Honestly Anna... I don't want it... I don't want to take after my father." I tell her.

"Bite your tongue Carson Andrew! Being Alpha is absolute power! How can you not want that?!" She asks.

"All I want is my mate... I want to live with people who love me... maybe a pup while I'm at it?" I grin at her and she rolls her eyes.

"You can have all that and be Alpha." She says. "And you better get used to the idea because you are the heir to Midnight Moon and the pack needs you!"

"You're really good at pep talks." I say moving closer to her.

"I know I'm awesome!" She grins as I kiss her.

"So awesome." I say as she lays back on my bed. "I love you Anna."

"I love you too Carson."