To Be Proven

Today is the day... I'm gonna be an Alpha... this is nuts! Father hasn't stopped smiling all week and today is the day.

"Morning Alpha! Happy birthday!" Anna says sitting up in bed while I'm getting dressed. She decided she wants a mates ceremony and I'd do anything for her so she is STILL unmarked. I hate it! Shes driving me crazy as she keeps postponing it for one reason or another. She did move in with me so at least I know she isn't rejecting me but Seriously woman! Pick a date and stick to it!

"Morning beautiful." I smile at her. "I'm gonna head down. See you later princess." I kiss her head as I leave.

I walk downstairs and see an old friend I hadn't expected.

"Mason! You're here!" I call to him giving him a quick bro hug.

"Wouldnt miss it Carson." He says looking me up and down somewhat confused. "Do you feel any different?"

"Not really... why?" I respond.

"No reason... you commanded anyone yet?" He asks.

"No... haven't had to." I tell him.

"Time for proof boy!" My father calls to me as he leaves his office. "You came for the show Mason."

"Just supporting the boy." Mason responds.

"Come Junior. Show us what you got... you omega! Over here!" A thin guy maybe 25 walks over. "Comand him."

"How do I?..."

"Just tell him to... jump. And put all your power behind it. If you are an Alpha he will listen." Mason says.

"Alright... ahem... JUMP!" I growl with as much force as I can and... nothing happens. "Well... I guess that's that... I'm not the Alpha."

"NO!" Father growls. "You are my heir!"

"You still have Aaron... he'll make a great Alpha." Mason says.

"Aaron is weak and no son of mine!" Father growls again. "You bear my name! You will be the next Alpha!"

"I'm not! And I don't want to be!" I argue earning me multiple fists to the face.

"I'll beat it out of you boy! You will become Alpha!" In moments I am battered beyond recognition. I hardly realize it when the blows stop as pain radiates through my head and body.

"That's enough!" I hear Mason yell. "That won't make him an Alpha!"

"You're right Mason... this wont work." Father says walking away. I groan in pain as Mason lifts me onto my feet. "Let's get you to the doc eh?" He pulls me to the infirmary where I'm met with Doc. Green.

"Carson! Dear God! Your father?! I thought he was getting better!" Doc yells.

"He was" I grunt as I'm set on a bed. "And I could take more without bothering you as I got older... I patched myself up."

"Well not today pup!" He says cleaning up my face. I hiss as he washes the gashes and checks my eyes that are nearly swollen shut. He cuts off my shirt revealing the bruises from today and past scars. "You really have been avoiding me."

"Sorry doc." I wince as he checks my ribs.

"Stupid stubborn pup!" He grumbles as he works.

"I got him to stop... you should be safe now. Hes upset but hopefully the rational part of his mind will accept that you aren't the Alpha. I'll be back tomorrow just incase it doesn't." Mason tells me.

"What about Aaron?! If he moves on from me he'll target him! I won't be able to protect him! Mason!?" I panic trying to stand but the doc pushes me back onto the bed.

"We'll do what we can but your father is more powerful than me... I can't stop him. I'll do my best but that wasn't enough to help you..." Mason says looking defeated.

"It helped... you made it better... don't stop doing your best." I tell him. He has a better chance helping Aaron now than I do.

"I'll be back tomorrow... stay safe Carson." I nod to Mason and he leaves.

"You're staying the night here Carson... you dont look to good." Doc Green tells me and I'm to weak to argue.

"Get Anna please." I ask him. "I need her." He smiles at me and nods as I drift off to sleep.

"Wake up boy!" My father pulls me out of bed at the crack of dawn. "Mason was right." He says pulling me out of the house. "Beating you wasn't strong enough motivation... not for an Alpha!"

"I'm not an Alpha!" I argue as he drops me by a post that used to have a basketball hoop on it.

"Not yet my boy... but I'll bring it out of you!" He says while shackling me to the post with a chain. He tosses the key to the Omega I tried to comand. "You see a fist is not adequate motion for someone like you... you've grown accustomed to that. No, you need... extreme measures." He turns to the trembling Omega. "Only unlock him if given an Alpha Command." He orders using a comand of his own. "Now my son and Heir... the pain will only stop if you command the Omega to release you... this is saturated in wolfsbane so I'd suggest you decide quickly."

"Please Father!" I beg as he lifts his whip. He lays a lash across my back and I yell in pain. "Father! Stop this! Release me and I'll leave please!"

"I'm not the one with the key." He says as he lashes me again and again.

"Unchain me please!" I yell to the Omega who is now sobbing and utterly unable to help due to my father's comand. All he can do is watch. The whip continues to tear apart the flesh on my back. It digs deeper and deeper with every swing as my father's anger grows. "Someone help me!" I scream to the faces visible in the windows of every house. I hear my father growl.

"Help yourself boy!" He yells kicking me over so my bare chest meets the sky. "I gave you the way out you are just to stubborn to take it! Make him free you! One comand Carson! That's all I'm asking for! Prove yourself!"

With that he begins his assault again this time attacking my chest tearing through the muscles some of my ribs becoming visible. White at first as the whip cleans them of my flesh only to be coated in my blood.

"Stop!" I whimper to the sky. "Free me." I beg as darkness approaches "just let me die." My final request as darkness engulfs me.