New Home

I stayed in the hospital a week before I could leave. Mason visited every day and as I healed physically and mentally I decided to accept his offer. He gave me the Beta's house. It was fully furnished Thanks to the Luna and her friends.

"You like it?" Luna Lacey asks me as I toured the house.

"Its lovely Luna." I tell her.

"Yet you seem disappointed." She sighs.

"Its just... big. And I'm just... me." I say.

"Until you find your mate then it won't seem so big." She hugs me. "Buck up! You'll find her."

"I thought I did." I mumble as I pull away.

"What?" She asks.

"Nothing Lacey." I dismissively say.

"Talk to me Carson." She smiles but I know I'm not getting out of this.

"I met a girl. Thought she was my mate... treated her like she was. She wasn't. She was using me... I'm not worthy of my mate. Whoever my mate is... she's better off without me." I explain.

"Don't say that Carson! She will love you no matter what you've done!" Lacey argues.

"She'd accept I slept with another woman! You're telling me she will accept me when she finds out I lived with another woman for a year! I lived with her as my mate for a year! I loved her, Lacey! And now! She broke my heart and ruined me for my mate!" I rant.

"Oh Carson!" She hugs me tightly. "Its not your fault!"

"It is!" I argue. "I did it Lac..."

"Lacey! You here?! Has he seen it? How'd it go?!" A voice rings through the hous approaching us. "Oh! I'm sorry!" She says when she sees our embrace. I pull away and look at the girl. She gasps. "Mate!" She growls staring at me.

"No!" I gasp and run out the back door.

No! This cant be! She's... she's so... perfect. I growl punching a nearby tree.   I can't believe this! How did I find Anna attractive! She's a troll compared to that woman! Her scent? I liked it but oh my! My mate is intoxicating! How did I think Anna was my mate!? I wanted to mark her!

"Carson?" Her voice is the most intricate symphony of magnificent musicians playing the best music ever created! I turn to look at her.

"Lacey told me your name... and that you were hurting... I can help... I want to help you Carson." She says placing her hand on my cheek. I lean in. Longing for her touch. "I'm Samantha." She smiles which shakes me from the trance she put me in. I step away.

"No...I can't." I say and run again. Into the pack house and to Mason's office.

"You're an idiot!" He says as I close the door.

"I know!" I yell plopping onto one of the chairs opposite him. "She's amazing! And I didn't wait for her! I screwed everything up and now I don't get the radiant Samantha as a mate! I'm an idiot!"

"No... what makes you an idiot is not explaining it to her and running away." He tells me.

"Shes to good for me." I say.

"Would you feel better if I told you she's been with multiple men in this pack?" He asks and I see red

"NO! Where are they!? I want names Mason!" I scream. Jumping out of my chair.

"I didn't say she had I asked if you'd feel better if she had." He smiles at me. Like Seriously smiles!

"She hasn't?" I breath a sigh of relief. "Why would that make me feel better?"

"Did your feelings for Samantha change at the news?" He asks.

"No, I wanted to kill any man who touched her but shes still... Samantha!" I smile as I say her name.

"She's your true mate. She will accept you. Past and all." He tells me.

"How do I know she is? I thought Anna was! I can't be trusted to know this stuff Mason! What if I'm wrong and it happens again!?" A ask frantically.

"Get to know her... really know her. Did you know that once mates accept each other they hardly ever fight? Not on the big stuff. They want the same things from life and handle it together. It takes work don't get me wrong. To fully trust someone. To open your soul to them. It takes alot of work on both sides but you'll know... let me ask you this, did you just know Anna was your mate or did you just really want it to be true?" He asks.

"I wasn't exactly sure I guess... but I liked her before I was 18... I actually asked her if she was sure thinking it was to good to be true... but now?... Samantha." I smile every time I say her name.

"She manipulated you Carson... give Sam a chance she may surprise you." He says.

"Okay... but you'll be there right? You know to make sure? I don't trust myself Mason." I beg him.

"Come on in Lacey!" He yells and the door opens. In walks both my Luna and mate.

"Sam, Carson. Carson, Sam." Lacey introduces us. I hold out my hand.

"Its nice to meet you Sam." I say. She shoots me an angry sad look as she takes my hand.

"And you Jerk!" She spits out throwing my hand. "You said he'd explain not act like this is a business deal! I can't do this Lacey!" She goes to leave but the Luna stops her.

"Sit down both of you!" She orders.

"Lacey maybe now's not the best ti..."

"Carson! One more word to me and I'll tie you to the chair now sit!" She orders. I do as she says because hello! Pregnant Luna! Not to be messed with. "You too Sam I'm not joking!" Samantha sits in the chair next to me and Lacey takes a seat sideways on top of Mason.

"Now what?" Sam asks and I can't help but agree.