
"I will not accept this Mason!" My father roars once the shock of seeing me subsides.

"Its not your decision, Carson." Mason tells him.

"He's my son and I will not allow it!" Father yells.

"I am the Beta of this pack!" I storm up to him. "I've taken the oath and spilled my blood! I've cut ties with you and your pack! You are no longer my father! You killed your son! You left him to die chained to a post! You have no control over me! It doesn't matter what you allow!" I scream. I can see the anger in my fathers eyes. If not for Mason's interference there would have been blood.

"Carson." He says placing a hand on my shoulder. "Beta!" He try's again when I won't take my eyes off of my father. I turn to look at him. "Take a break. I can handle this meeting. Go for a run." He gestures to my clenched fist that is dripping blood as my partially shifted claws dig into my skin. I nod and leave.

"So Beta hu?" I hear as I near the treeline. I turn to see the last person I expected. "You did pretty well for yourself, Carcey." She continues.

"Why are you here Anna?" I ask.

"Something told me you'd be here... but you know, Beta. That's still powerful. We could pick things up where..."

"No." I cut her off.

"Its funny how you resist me... you know your mom would have loved to see you out on your own." She smiles at me. My heart drops.

"Would have?" I ask.

"Yes. You see her eldest son dissapeared and she was so heartbroken. She just couldn't cope... and when the Alpha paid a visit to his new heir? Well she had an accident while trying to stop him." She explains.

"He killed her!?" I growl.

"Not exactly it was truly an accident... now Mate we were going to pick things up where we left off." She says wrapping her arms around me. I throw her off of me just before she can kiss me.

"No I found my mate." I tell her.

"You've already mated with me and you bear no mark so I'd say we still have a chance."

"No... your scent changed." I say as she attempts to hold me again. She no longer smells as 'homey' as she once did. She just smells like any other wolf.

"Dang it...I forgot."

"Forgot what?" I ask

"Well I needed you to think I was your mate so I started washing my clothes in the detergent your mother used, matching my scent to your childhood home. It made you drawn to me. Made you seek comfort in me. Since you failed I stopped doing it." She says nonchalantly.

"You planed it all from the beginning!"

"Yup! Your father helped. He said I was the perfect Luna." She grinned.

"Perhaps you will be... go find yourself an Alpha because you have no business here." I tell her.

"Come on Carcey, you know you love me. I can accept a Beta. We can be happy." She says laying a hand on my chest.

"You're forgetting I found my mate." I growl removing her hand from me.

"I remember... I just don't believe you... like any she wolf would want you after me. I mean if it was just sex maybe but we were mates living together loving each other. That's the biggest betrayal to her. You replaced her with me. So I'm guessing you never told her... I can fix that. And once she rejects you you'll realize I'm all you have." This girl is nuts! She actually thinks I will go back to her!

"Listen here Anna!" I start.

"I know everything." Samantha enters the woods and walks up to me. She wraps her arm around my waist before looking at Anna. "I know you are a manipulative gold digging hag that can't get a man without deceiving him! I know that MY Carson waited for his mate and if you weren't a devious witch he would have continued waiting. I know you hurt him and are an idiot to think he'd want you even if he hadn't found me. I know that he is mine and will be for the rest of our lives!" She grabs my neck and pulls me into a kiss. The best kiss I've ever felt. Our first kiss. The only lips I ever want on mine. I want every kiss I feel to be from her she's  so perfect! Why did we wait so long! The world slips away for a moment until she pulls away leaving me wanting more. "You can leave now Tramp!" She growls at Anna who I'd forgotten was even here. She growls and runs off.

"Wow... that was amazing... you are amazing... why did we wait so long for that!?" I pant unable to catch my breath in the presence of this goddess. She laughs.

"That's on you Carson... I said I'd wait for you to accept we are true mates. You said that to her so many times... frankly I was done waiting on you to make the first move." She shrugs as I hold her close to me by her waist.

"You should have done it sooner... My Samantha... My Mate." I begin to kiss her neck until I find the spot for my mark. I've known for a while but was to scared to accept it. I feel my canines extend and she gasps as they touch her skin. My wolf purrs at her responsiveness.

"Do it Carson... I'm done waiting." I smile as I kiss her again causing her to grip my hair in frustration. I want this to last but she is so impatient. I chuckle as I get ready to bite...

"Carson my office." Mason links me. I sigh and drop my head on her shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Samantha asks.

"I gotta go." I groan. "Mason called for me."

"Its probably for the best." She says and my heart sinks. She doesn't want to be mine? "Don't give me that look. We were trying to do things right and take it slow. Marking me after our first kiss isn't taking it slow. Plus we need a ceremony. My sister and her mate. Mason and Lacey. Nothing big but we need to plan it... and you mister haven't taken me on a date!" I chuckle and kiss her head.

"Have dinner with me... just me." I say and she smiles. I initiate the kiss this time picking her up a bit as our lips dance until she pushes me away.

"Didn't the Alpha call?" I sigh.

"Yea he did..." I mumble. "Dinner? Tonight?" I ask hopefully.

"I'll go make it. Come back to your house when you're done with Mason." She says removing herself from my grip. All I want to do is grab hold of her again but I resist and go to speak with my Alpha.

"Took you long enough!" Mason laughs as I enter.

"What's so funny?" I ask confused.

"Look at yourself." He gestures to a mirror and I turn to it. My hair is a mess my lips are red with a slight trace of lipstick. My once crisp shirt is crumpled where fists had gripped it.

"Ummm... yea." I mumble and he laughs as I try to straighten my hair.

"Sooo... Samantha?" I look at him stunned and a little angry.

"Of course it was Samantha! Who else would it be!" I growl.

"I know Anna was here." He says. I start to smile when I think of how Sam took care of her.

"Yea... sam can get a little territorial over her mate." I grin.

"So you've finally accepted she is your mate!? That's great man!" He says coming over to shake my hand.

"She'd be marked too if you hadn't called. Now she wants a ceremony and to take it slow again. So can you tell me what's going on so I can have my first date with my beautiful mate?" I ask. His smile fades as he tells me to have a seat.

"Your father." He starts and my countenance drops. "He disowned you. You aren't allowed on his territory under penalty of death and..."

"Spit it out Mason." I say and he sighs. "You cant use the last name Rose... he wants no ties to you. He threatened to break the peace if his demands aren't met."

"I can do that." I don't like it because as much as I hate my father I love my brother and this cuts me away from him. "I won't endanger the pack over a name."

"I'm sorry Carson." He says. I stand up to leave.

"I'm okay Mason.... I'll be fine." I answer before leaving and making my way home.