Daddy Dearest

"So how are we doing this?" Mason asks me as I help set the table for dinner.

"We just hang out... get to know each other... I dont know you mentioned something like that too." I answer.

"I dont think I said to invite yourself to my house for dinner. The pack house serves every meal." He says.

"You said you'd help us... you're my best friend and Lacey is Samantha's... plus I didn't invite myself. Talk to your mate dude. She invited us." I tell him.

"One night alone is that to much to ask?" He mumbles as he walks into the kitchen. I laugh as I follow.

"Thanks for the invite Luna. This smells amazing!" I say dipping a pinkie in the pot to taste test.

"That's Sam's doing." She smiles as Sam walks over to me and smacks me with her spoon.

"And no samples! Take it to the dining room so we can eat." She orders and I smile. That's something Ma would do.

I take the pot and Mason grabs the bread. Sam brings in a salad and we sit to eat.

"I'm so glad you to are working things out!" Lacey smiles at Sam and I.

"Yea... something like that." I say dipping the bread in the stew. "This is amazing Samantha!"

"Thanks." She blushes.

"Awww! So cute!" Lacey squeals. I look away... I'm so not ready for this! I'm about to bolt when Mason speaks.

"Lacey calm down! They aren't together yet. Let them be. They are trying to get to know one another not planning a mates ceremony!" He scolds his mate.

"I'm sorry Carson." She says. I nod and we continue the meal.

"So Carson I actually have something I need to discuss with you." Mason says and everyone looks to him. "You've been well and working within the pack for about a week now... we need to initiate you as Beta. Bring you into the pack."

"Okay... sure lets do it." I tell him and he looks surprised.

"You sure?" He asks

"Yea. I accepted the position and being able to mind link you all would be useful." I say.

"It would break ties with Midnight Moon. With your family. I just want to make sure you're ready for the finality of that. No going back." He explains.

"Mason, I have nothing to go back to. I'll die if I try... this is my new home." I glance at Samantha. "I hope to build a life here."

"Well in that case!" He pulls out a knife and bowl.

"Seriously Mason! In the dining room! When did you even get that?" Lacey yells.

"As soon as you said Carson was coming... here's as good a place as any." He shrugs. "Come on Carson."

I walk over to him and he cuts his palm handing me the knife I do the same.

"Do you sware to protect this pack. To serve it and it's Alpha as long as you draw breath and are able to do so serving as Beta." Mason asks.

"I do." I vow.

Mason takes my hand. I feel the link open and the power of my position washes over me. More than ever before I feel a devotion to Mason and the Red River pack.

"Woh!" I say and he smiles.

"Welcome to the pack Carson." I see the pride in his eyes. "Love ya brother." He says hugging me. The girls join in and I cant help but smile. This just feels like home.


"Hay Casron, can you come to my office?" Mason links me as I'm doing morning patrols.

"Be right there Alpha." I respond. I nod to the men I was patrolling with as a farewell and run back to the pack house.

"I have some bad news." Mason says as I enter his office. I sit down and wait for him to continue.

"Your father found out I have a Beta with Alpha blood. He's coming over to congratulate me on my good fortune... I don't know if he suspects it's you but this could get messy." He tells me

"Its been nearly three months! Why all of the sudden? What does he get from this?" I ask.

"I don't know Carson. Just be ready." He says.

"When?" I ask.

"Noon." He answers. 4 hours until I see my father again... Joy!

"I'm gonna go change."I tell him.

"You don't have to get dressed up for him. He doesn't control you any more." Mason says concern evident on his face.

"I'm the Beta of this pack. He is a visiting Alpha. I need to be presentable." I explain but a part of me still feels the need to dress for him. I guess you don't grow out of that stuff.

"Okay Carson... be back at 11:30 to meet him." I nod and leave.

I shower until the water turns cold just lost in thought. What is he planning. My father never moves without a plan. I look in the mirror wincing at the marks staining my torso. He can't hurt you. I tell myself as I dry off and get dressed.

A white dress shirt. That's what he always made me wear when we had company. I slide one on and button it. I decide to take a walk before the meeting and set out.

"Mr. Mummy!" The little voice makes me smile in spite of the upcoming meeting.

"Princess Lilly." I smile as she runs into my arms.

"If I'm the princess why is daddy the Alpha and not the king?" She asks.

"Well an Alpha is like the king of the pack. Its respectful to you to acknowledge your ties to your father." I tell her.

"But momma said most packs don't packs call the Alpha's daughter princess." I chuckle

"Your daddy just wants people to treat you well. Calling you princess reminds them of who you are. It may be a little old fashioned but you know what?... I think you make a pretty good princess." I spin her around and she giggles.

"Does that mean my brother will be a prince?" She asks.

"He will be future Alpha... people will likely call him by his name. Some low ranks may call him Alpha. They might call him something like little Alpha. He may be a referred to as the Heir... he will have many names but you can just call him brother, bro, bub, his name or any nick name you develop. Its different with your brother. You dont have to be formal when it's your blood." I try to explain. She nods but I'm not sure how much of that a 6 year old understands.

"He's my bubby and that's what I'll call him." She says firmly. I chuckle and kiss her forehead.

"Sounds good princess." I say setting her down. "You should probably go find your momma. Keep close to home for a while would ya?"

"I guess... bye Beta Carson!" She waves running off.

I want one so badly. I basically raised Aaron but now I kinda want a pup of my own. I've always wanted to be a father... father... I look at my phone realizing the time I run back to the pack house.

"So where's this powerful Beta of yours Mason? What reject Alpha pup did you steal?" I hear my father laugh as I enter the house.

"Good afternoon Father." I say answering his question.