
"You're about to pop Luna!" Sam gushes as Lacey and Mason enter the house.

"I know! Our little Alpha should be here any day now!" Lacey responds.

"And you two will be officially mated tomorrow." Mason adds.

"About time!" I groan.

You see after our three month friendship I wanted her. Like immediately! But my little Samantha wanted a ceremony which she said would take two weeks to plan. I complained considering how small we wanted it to be and now two months later it's time.

"Are we complaining?" Sam asks with raised eyebrows. "You know what happens when you complain."

"You're not postponing it Samantha! I'm not complaining I'm just anxious." I tell her with a kiss to the forehead wrapping her in my arms.

"Good!" She smiles up at me. "And my postponing wasn't punishment per say... I just want it to be perfect!"

"Alright you two!" Mason says and I release Sam. "I'm taking my boy out!"

"And we are having a spa day!" Lacey adds locking arms with Sam.

Well I guess my day is spoken for.


"Seriously Mason!" I groan waking up the next day. The day of my ceremony.

"For a werewolf you are a lightweight!" Mason laughs handing me a cup of coffee.

"What was that swill you gave me?!" I ask head pounding.

"Pure alcohol... it would kill a human... barely effects us... usually." He says laughing at me.

"I've never drank before." I tell him.

"I could tell... I didn't want you drunk. I don't even get drunk. It doesn't look good on leadership. Plus the hangover isn't worth it." He grins.

"Shut up!" I yell immediately regretting that decision as my head pounds.

"You are never allowed to drink again... I think you're still drunk! Come on we need you sober and smiling in a few hours." He says pulling me up and I groan.

"What did you do to him!?" Lacey asks as Mason drops me in the kitchen.

"He is no longer allowed to drink." Mason answers still grinning finding my predicament humorous.

"You got him drunk!" She yells.

"Don't tell Sam!" He says smile leaving his face. "She'll kill me!" Its funny that my Alpha fears my Mate.

"Have him eat and drink lots of water. I'll be right back." Lacey says and turns to leave.

"Here." She says on her return handing me a shirt. I look at her confused until I get a whiff of it then I bury my face in it. "Sam slept in it last night. I thought her scent would help."

She was right! as I inhale deeply into the fabric my headache lessens. I sigh as I begin to feel normal.

"Thank you Luna." I mumble still breathing in the shirt.

"Samantha will never find out about this, understood?" She says.

"Yes Luna."

"Yea dear." Mason and I respond in unison.

"Good now get dressed the both of you!" She commands and we run to my office to get ready.


The ceremony begins and honestly I wasn't paying attention. Samantha is beautiful! I'm lost in every inch of her barely hearing what Mason is saying as he officiates our Mates Ceremony.

"...To be loyal to her and place her happiness and well being above your own for all your lives?" I catch the end of the vowes I'm to agree to. I know what they say so when I realize hes asking me I respond.

"I do." I smile down at Sam.

"And do you Samantha Hester Fallon promise to be devoted to this man through all life's trials whether sick or well, rich or poor. In the good times and the bad. To be loyal to him and place his happiness and well being above your own for all your lives?" Mason asks.

"I do." Sam vows.

"As Alpha of the Red Rivers pack I declare you are mates husband and wife for all of time. You may place your mark claiming this wolf as your own from this moment on." Mason announces.

I lean down and kiss Sam's neck as I unbutton my shirt to reveal my marking spot. She shivers when I hit the right spot on her and I smile.

"Any time now!" She whispers still ever impatient. I scrape my teeth on her skin causing her to grip my shirt before I bite down. She reciprocates sinking her teeth deep into my flesh. A moment of pain followed by pure bliss.

"I know you weren't paying attention." Sam mind links me.

"I totally was." I respond. The link feels more powerful. Like she can infiltrate my mind and emotions memories and all. I'm not sure I could hide anything from her.

"You weren't but you better pay attention to me tonight." She links followed by a few suggestive images of us.

"Just because I wasn't paying attention to Mason doesn't mean I will ever take my thoughts off of you. If anything it's your fault I couldn't focus on him. You're just to beautiful." I link kissing my mark on her shoulder. She shudders.

"Alright you two, party time!" Mason interrupts guiding us to our reception party.


"Slow down pup!" I yell picking up a squealing Lilly.

"Can't Beta! Dalton will get me!" She pants wriggling from my grasp.

"Do I need to beat him up for messing with my little princess?" I ask jokingly.

"He's my friend. We're playing tag!" She responds laughing.

"And he's your nephew now so be nice!" Sam says holding a boy about 6 years old.

"Hay little man." I smile at him and lean in to whisper. "How about Boys vs. Girls?" A big grin covers his little face and he nods.

I take the boy and touch Sam's shoulder.

"Tag!" I yell and Dalton and I run off.

"Oh no you don't!" Sam laughs grabbing Lilly's hand and chasing us. The boy slows me down enough for Sam to tackle me as Lilly takes him down.

"You're ruining your dress Samantha." I tell her as she lays on top of me covered in mud.

"Worth it." She whispers kissing me.

"You're it!" The kids yell tagging us and running off. Sam and I laugh.

"Shall we?" I ask helping her up.

"Let's!" Sam grins and we chase the pups ignoring the adults.

That is how we spent the party. Running around with the pups is the best party. Eventually we end up snacking in the pack house kitchen as the party winds down.

"Alright bedtime!" Lacey yells taking Lilly's hand.

"You too Alt." Dalton's mom, Heather, joins in taking her pup.

"I think it's your bedtime too Mr. Mate." Sam whispers in my ear purring.

"Mmm hummm." I hum then pull away. "Night pups! Alpha, Luna, Heather." I grin pulling my mate towards the door.

"Try not to stay up all night!" Mason calls after us.

"I thought they were going to bed." Dalton says and the adults chuckle.

"They are, baby." His mother says glaring at Mason who shrugs.

"You won't be sleeping tonight." Samantha growls as we leave and I am quick to bring her home.