My Pup

The next morning we had to get up early to see off Samantha's sister, Heather, and her mate Garrett. Not how I wanted to spend the morning but family first!

"Are you sure you're okay?" Sam asks for the 25th time worried about her sister.

"Its not that far we will be fine!" Heather assures her.

"Mason, do you think we could send a warrior with them just to be safe?" I ask.

"Are you saying I cant protect my mate and pup!" Garrett yells at me.

"No, I'm saying I don't want my honeymoon spent with my mate panicking over the welfare of her family!" I respond.

"One man. No more." He grumbles and Mason agrees.

"Thank you." Sam whispers as they walk away.

The boy is barely shifting age so I'm surprised they didn't just drive but I guess it's good to spend time in your wolf form. Especially in the beginning.

The rest of the day was spent much like last night. Just me and my mate. I'm glad they took someone. Not because I'm worried but my Sam was and now I get all of her attention.

"Beta!" A mind link breaks through my barriers. I sigh sitting up and setting Sam beside me in bed.

"This better be good!" I link back more than a little irritated.

"Samantha's sister and her mate! I couldn't stop them! I tried, sir!" The warrior's panicked voice fills my mind causing me to stand up and get dressed.

"What's going on?" Sam asks. I hold up one finger to her.

"Are they okay?" I link him.

"Dead." He replies.

"The pup?" I ask.

"I've got him. I'm heading to the infirmary now." He answers.

"Get dressed Sam." I tell her. She jumps up and begins getting ready.

"What's going on?" She asks again.

"Your sister... Garrett... they're gone." I tell her and she drops to the floor crying. I hold my mate in my lap slowly rocking her back and forth. Suddenly she sits up filled with panic.

"Dalton!?" She yells.

"That's why you need to get ready. He's alive and on his way to the pack house." I answer and she jumps up putting on a shirt. As soon as Sam is dressed she grabs my hand pulling me out of the house to the infirmary.

"How is he Doc?" Sam asks as soon as Doc Green is in sight.

"Not a scratch." He says walking up to us. "The blood is not his... mentally... the pup watched his parents die."

"Can we see him?" I ask as Sam seems lost for words.

"Of course Beta." He says moving aside.

I lead Sam into the room silently. There we see the boy sitting in the bed just staring off into space.

"They died." He mumbles not looking at us.

"I know." I tell him.

"I couldn't help... they saved me... it's my fault." He continues.

"No, buddy, it's the ones who attacked you guys fault." I put a hand on his shoulder and he turns to face us.

"What am I gonna do!? My parents are dead! I have no one!" He cries.

"You have us." I say.

"You... you're gonna take me?" He asks.

"You're family Dalton. I'd gladly take you as my pup. I can't bring them back but I can take care of you." I tell him contemplating the fact that I didn't ask Samantha's opinion before promising the boy.

"Thank you!" He sobs into my shirt as he grips onto me.

I see Sam watching me without a word. I think I might be in trouble. Soon Dalton falls asleep in my arms and Doc clears him to leave. I bring my pup home and lay him down in a guest room. Sam and I go to our room and lay in bed.

"I'm sorry Sam. I should have asked you first. I want to help him. I didn't think you'd mind but I guess I was..." I begin.

"You were amazing and I'm lucky to have you as my mate." She says kissing me.


"Carson!" Mason mind links me in a panic just as I get settled in.

"What's wrong Mason?" I link back slipping out of bed careful not to wake Sam.

"It's Lacey! I don't know what to do! I need you Carson." He says.

"On my way where are you?" I ask.

"Infirmary... oh crap Lilly! She's at home asleep. I was so panicked!" He rants.

"I'll get her and see you soon." I link him as I leave.