Luna's Son

Fair warning this chapter is sad and painful. Be prepared with tissues. If you read Alpha Lilly you know what happens to the Luna.... you have been warned.


"Wake up little one." I say lightly shaking the small girl.

"Beta?" She sits up groggy.

"We need to go princess." I whisper to her.

"Momma? Daddy?" Lilly asks still trying to process what's going on.

"Come little one. They are at the pack house that's where I'm taking you. Your dad mind linked me and asked me to get you." I explain.

"Is it my bubby? Is he here?!" She asks excited.

"I don't know. I guess we'll have to go and see." I smile at her energy as she runs into her closet.

"Which one will he like?" Lilly asks holding two little dresses.

"Wear what you normally would, pup. He's a baby and won't remember. You hate dresses anyway." I tell her.

"Pictures Beta! He will see the pictures! I have to be pretty!" She scolds me the way only a woman can and shes 6. Mason is gonna be in for it when she grows up.

"Blue... because it's a boy... but you need to hurry." I tell her remembering the panic in Mason's voice during the link. Lilly nods and runs off to get dressed.

Once she is dressed I pick her up and run to the pack house. In the infirmary it is total chaos. People running around holding bloody cloth. A pain filled growl rips through the rooms.

"Daddy!" Lilly yells wiggling around in my arms as she recognizes the sound.

"No, Lilly, calm down pup!" I say fighting to hold her. "I'll take you to him just be still." I tell her knowing I want to keep ahold of her in case I need to get her out quickly. This doesn't look good.

"Mason." I say as we enter a private waiting room.

"Lilly." He sighs taking hold of his daughter.

"Mason." I say hugging him discreetly wiping blood from his face with my sleeve. He gives me a questioning look and I hold up my sleeve showing him the blood behind Lilly's back. I don't want her to panic seeing blood on her father.

"Thanks." He links me with a nod.

"I'm sorry we left so early little wolf... momma is in the delivery room now. They have to do surgery to get your brother out. It may take a while." He tells her. I give him a look hoping my suspicions are unfounded.

"It doesn't look good... to much blood." Mason links.

"Alpha! We need you." A nurse rushes in and he hands Lilly to me.

"Stay here with Beta Carson while I go help momma." He tells her with a forced smile. Lilly yawns as soon as he leaves.

"Take a nap little one." I tell her as I take a seat in the less than comfortable chairs.

"I'm not yaaawwwn tired." She protests.

"You want to look well rested in the pictures right?" I ask her then pat my shoulder. "I make a good pillow... I'll wake you when you can see him but it will take a while." She nods laying her head on my chest as she falls asleep. I lean back in the chair in an attempt to get comfortable.


"I don't like waking up to a cold bed." Sam says waking me. I look down at the little girl still asleep in my arms.

"Sorry Sam... Mason needed me and I didn't want to wake you." I tell her. Lilly begins to stir and sits up looking at me.

"Is he here?" She asks grinning ear to ear.

"What time is it?" I ask Sam as she shuffles Dalton to her other hip. She pulls out her phone.

"6am." She says.

It's been hours they should be done by now... Mason! No... please say I'm wrong.

"Do you know anything?" I link Sam. She shakes her head.

"Hay, I need you to stay with Sam for a bit while I figure out what's going on." I tell Lilly setting her on her feet.

"Lacey went into labor. It didn't look good. I need to find Mason." I link Sam and she nods trying to hide her fear. She just lost her sister yesterday! She doesn't need this!

"Mason." I say when I find him.

He is silent as I enter the room. I stand at the foot of the bed where an unconscious Lacey lays. Mason sits next to her a bundle of blankets in one arm the other hand holding his mate's as his head rests on the bed.

"Tell the doctor to turn the machines off." He tells me after a long silence. That's when I realize she is on life support.

"We don't need to do this right now. We can wait give her some time. Her heart is still beating. She could..." I try to talk him down but he cuts me off.

"I don't feel the sparks, Carson. They say shes brain dead. Something about blood loss and lack of oxygen. Mirroring the pup." He pauses looking down at the blankets in his arm. "She's gone... this isn't the middle ages! People aren't supposed to die in child birth! Shes 25!" He yells then finally looks at me. He hugs the blankets to his chest tightly. "He's gone cold... no matter how closely I hold him to my chest his body won't accept my warmth." He sobs dipping his head into the blankets. "You were going to be his godfather ya know."

"I'm honored, Mason." I tell him.

"It doesn't matter now!" He yells tears running down his face.

"It does." I tell him and hold out my hands. "Let me see my godson so you can say goodbye to your mate." He sniffs and nods handing me the bundle. I can now see a little face peeking out of the cloth.

"He looks just like you." I tell him not really seeing it but hoping to make him feel better.

"Lacey said she wanted a little me running around." He has a pain filled smile on his face as he thinks of her.

"What's his name?" I ask.

"We were fighting over it... she wanted to name him Fitzgerald. I told her he'd get made fun of. I wanted to name him after me. Maverick, my middle name." He tells me.

"Maverick Fitzgerald Blackthorn." I say looking at the baby.

"Fitzgerald Maverick Blackthorn." He responds and I nod. "You got to name him baby. I'd do anything for you." He mumbles kissing Lacey's hand.

"You wanted me, Alpha?" A doctor says as he enters. I guess Mason mind linked him.

"I'm ready... turn this crap off... I want to bury my mate. I can't sit here any longer." He says and the doctor nods turning off the machines.

Lacey's breath slows and stops. As soon as her chest stops rising Mason let's out a heart wrenching howl expressing his pain. I feel tears slide down my face as an arm wraps around me. I look down to see Samantha burrowing her head into my shoulder.

"Where are the kids?" I whisper to her.

"Erickson took them to get breakfast. I could feel your pain. I knew they shouldn't be here." I nod to her. Erickson is a good boy he'll take care of them.

"We'll get them ready for the funeral Alpha... so sorry sir." A older wolf says with a couple younger ones behind him. Mason nods and kisses Lacey's head then comes over to me arms extended.

"Give me my boy." He says and I hand him over.

"I love you Fitz... Momma loves you... you would have been a good Alpha and a great man." He says kissing his son then handing him to the man. "Take good care of them." He mumbles to the man.

"Of course, Alpha." The man nods. His helpers go to wheel out the Luna as the man walks out with the baby.

I grab Mason pulling him into a hug as he collapses into the chair. His tears come back harder than ever as I hold my friend.

"I lost them... they are gone... my mate... my son." He sobs.

"I know." I mumble patting his back. "I know."