
It's been two weeks since the loss of our Luna. Mason has thrown himself into work leaving Lilly with Sam and Dalton most days. It isn't fair to him. None of this is fair.

"Carson." Mason greets me as I enter his office.

"You called." I respond.

"The Alpha banquet is tonight. I need you to watch Lilly for me... I'll be home late if you don't mind having her over night." He says.

"Can't you skip this year? I'm sure given the circumstances they would understand." I say.

"They will think I am weak. Many crumble at the loss of a mate. If they think I am weak they will attack. I won't lose anyone else. Will you take care of my daughter, Carson?" He growls.

"You are family. You don't need to ask... I wish I could go with you... you shouldn't have to face them alone." I tell him.

"If you were to come I'd lose you too... I'll be fine Carson. Just take care of my pup." He tells me.

"I will." I say before leaving.

"Looks like we're having a sleepover!" I tell Lilly as I enter my house.

"Yey!" She yells hugging me. "Can me and Alt play video games?"

It amazes me how easily distracted a pup can be. Us adults still focus on the pain while she seems okay most of the time. She really only shows how much she hurts at bedtime. It's like everything comes crashing in on her. Same with Dalton. I find them curled up together most mornings with tear stained cheeks.

"Of course." I smile at the little girl. "Don't stay up to late tho we still have Sunday morning service to attend."

"I know Beta! Momma never let's me miss..." her smile falters as she says this then she runs off to find Alt.

"So we have Lilly tonight." Sam says as she enters the room.


"Why?" Sam asks. It's not that she is against looking after the girl but Sam is worried that Mason will distance himself to much and end up hurting Lilly.

"Alpha banquet." I answer.

"He's going?" Sam asks shocked.

"Has to... he can't look weak." I explain she nods.

"Let's go play with the kids." Sam says pulling me down the hall. There is no better medicine than the joy of a child.

Mason POV

I don't want to go to the banquet. This has got to be the worst time for it. I slowly get ready and head for the car.

"If anyone screws with us I'm in a bite first ignore questions later mood!" My wolf growls as we approach the hall.

"Behave." I scold him earning me a growl as he blocks me out.

"Good to see you Mason." Alpha Carson greets me. It's amazing how easily he forgets about his eldest son. I still need to be a friend to him. I dont want a war and Carson told me his father was better the mort time I spent with him. If nothing else I need to keep him calm for the sake of Aaron.

"You too Carson... how's the pup?" I ask. He gives me an angry look before masking it with a smile.

"He is a little nuisance right now but he'll grow out of it. I wont let another one be a weakling." He says.

"He's 11 remember that. You can't expect a boy to be a man at that age. Certainly not an Alpha." I tell him with a smile and he chuckles.

"True enough. I won't start training him until he's proven... but I will make sure he is strong." He smiles as we walk in. Alpha Carson breaks away from me to mingle with the other Alphas.

How did my Carson become a good man with him as a father? I just wish the Alpha could be the man I know he could be. I want him as a friend. He is just so closed off. He is an angry man obsessed with power but I think he could be good. I see it occasionally. If only he could see it.

I make my way through the tables and the crowd and lean against the wall of windows depicting a howling wolf.

"So how's the mate?" Alpha Anthony asks grinning at me. I clench my jaw. "Oh yea... I forgot. She was to weak to birth an Alpha." With that I snap. I grab the man's neck and pin him against the wall of stained glass.

"You can say what you will of me, Anthony. I know you hate me and the feeling is mutual. However, if you say one more word about my mate my wolf is dying to rip your throat out." I state calmly. I drop him and turn to walk away.

"You don't have an heir now and your mate is dead! You are weak! The position of second strongest pack will be money soon." He growls at me. I turn and punch him in the face then dig my claws of my partially shifted hand into his throat.

"If I am so weak why are you the one bleeding on the ground?" I lowly growl. He grabs my arm trying to breath. "Submit or die... I honestly hope you choose the latter." I see his eyes go wide as he looks away in submission. I release the man.

"This isn't over, Mason." He caughs out.

"Never thought it was." I say then leave him to mingle with the crowd.

About an hour in and I'm beyond ready to go.

"What have we here." I hear Anthony call out holding a small boy in the air.

"Let me go!" The boy yells.

"Aaron!!!" Alpha Carson growls and Anthony puts the bot down. Carson grabs the boy by the shirt picking him up. "you man enough to disobey me hu?!" He hisses in his son's face.

"Hay boys!" Alpha carson calls turning to face us setting the boy down. "we have a party crasher!" He holds Aaron close to his side."why dont we show him the best part of this gathering!" He yells with a grin "let's put him to the test!" The other Alphas begin laughing. I can see the fear in the boys eyes.

"No!" I growl walking over to them. I don'tknow what this boy has been going throughbut I wont stand for this. "He's still a pup! It's not right!"

"He's MY pup Mason. Back off!" Alpha Carson growls "We test!"

"I'll have no part of this!" I say taking a seat away from the other Alphas. Nearly half the Alphas follow me in protest. At least some of us have a conscious.

Alpha Carson places the boy in front of the participating Alphas and walks over to join them.

"Stay strong Boy." I whisper and the boy turns to look at me. I nod to him. I hear the Alphas discuss the command they will use.

The first Alpha steps up."KNEEL!" The command rings.

One by one 25 Alphas issue the command. Miraculously the boy still stands. He is sweaty, shaking, and looks like he's going to be sick but he has survived.

"Kneel!" Alpha Carson commands and the boy crumbles. Laughs ring out but every Alpha here has seen the boy's strength. He will be a strong Alpha no doubt.

"Enough!" I announce coming over tothebou and lifting his limp frame.

"Leave him Mason! Enjoy the party!" Alpha Carson laughs. I can see the pride in his eyes at his sons performance. I don't know if that will be good or bad for the boy.

"Tend to your guests, Carson. I'll take care of Aaron for you." I tell him.

"Your choice!" He smiles and turns back to the other partying Alphas.

I take the boy to the infirmary and hand him off to the doctor who seems less than surprised to see his future Alpha unconscious and shaking uncontrollably.

"Thank you Alpha." The doctor says as he takes the boy and begins his work.

"You did good Boy." I whisper to him before leaving early. I can't bring myself to rejoin those men.