
"He Did WHAT!?" I yell after Mason explains the events at the Banquet.

"Quiet Carson! Do you want to wake our pups?" Mason hisses.

"Is he okay?" I ask some what calmer, or at least trying to calm myself.

"I took him to the pack doctor and left. He was unconscious." He tells me.

"I need to check on him." I say standing up.

"You need to take a seat, Carson." He responds.

"Then you go! He could be dead for all we know!" I start to raise my voice again.

"I can't give back for at least a month. Your father tolerates my invading his pack to met with him but after the banquet he won't accept me over there for a while." Mason says.

"What am I supposed to do?" I ask.

"Go to bed. Hold your mate. Raise your pup. I'll look after Aaron as best I can." he tells me.

"I love him Mason... He's my brother." I whisper.

"I know Carson... now go to bed. Theirs nothing you can do for him." Mason places a hand on my shoulder.

"Okay." I mumble not wanting to comply. I want to help him. This is the first time I wish I was Alpha just to save my baby brother.


I wake up to an empty bed with the sounds of a crying mate.

"Samantha, are you okay?" I ask as I get up.

"Fine." She sniffs and I walk to the bathroom.

"Let me in Sam." I say at the door. I hear a soft click and open the door.

"Why are you crying?" I ask.

"Just sad." She says as I hold her sitting on the bathroom floor.

"Because?" I push for more information.

"Do you know most mates conceive the night of their ceremony... you know unless they use contraceptives." She says.

"Sure." I say holding her tight. "Werewolves breed easily. What about it?"

"It's been weeks, Carson... and we haven't even tried to stop it... I thought I was pregnant... I keep thinking I am but I'm not... What if I can't have pups?" She sobs into my shirt.

"Samantha, it can take longer for some people... a few weeks is not something to stress over." I tell her.

"You want to be a father! You would be a great one! What if I cant give that to you!? You deserve pups!" She yells.

"You know I have one pup. About yay tall answers to the name Dalton. He may not be my blood but he's yours and he's our pup now. If we can't have more I still have you and that's more than enough." I tell her holding her to my chest.

"I love you Carson." She mumbles into my shirt.

"Love you too, Sammy." I respond. "We can go to the doctor and get checked out if you want.

"Really?" She sits up excited. I chuckle.

"Of course, anything to ease your nerves." I tell her.

"Let's go!" Sam jumps up pulling on my hand.

"What about Dalton?" I ask standing up.

"He is at the pack house with Lilly. Those two are inseparable." She says pulling me out the door.


The doctors take samples of my swimmers to test if their is a problem with me. Let me say one thing... AWKWARD! Anyway while I was taking care of that the doc started looking at Sam.

When I walk in the tears have returned.

"Samantha! What's wrong?" I ask.

"I told you! I told you, Carson! It's all my fault!" She sobs.

"Its okay Sam... shhhh... what did they say?" I ask her.

"It was Irregularly tilted uterus...(sniff, sniff)... low egg count... conception unlikely... and even if I do the pup won't survive!" She explains.

"And we will be fine. You are healthy otherwise. We will have long happy lives together. I don't need a biological pup to be happy." I assure her.

"You're really okay with this?" She asks.

"I am... I just wish I would have known earlier so I didn't have to get tested! I shouldn't have to do that anymore now that I have a mate!" I grin at her.

"Gross! You think that's all I'm good for?!" She pretends to be mad but I can see her trying not to laugh.

"You know you love me!" I laugh picking her up and spinning around.

"Put me down you beast!" She laughs and I'm glad I can distract her. I can feel that she is still upset but we'll get through this.

"I love you Samantha." I say placing her on her feet.

"I love you too Carson."


Author time!

okay so I'm curious about which characters resonate with My readers. We all have our favorites so tell me yours!

Carson (Andy)






Katie (Carson(Andy)'s Mom)

Alpha Carson


let me know!