Farewell Father

(Nearly 7 years later.)

"I can't believe it." I say as Mason finishes telling me the news.

"Someone shot him. He's gone for good now." He tells me. I can't believe it my father is finally gone.

"How's Aaron taking it?" I ask.

"He's 17 nearly 18... he's still a pup and needs to become an Alpha quickly. This won't be easy for him. He isn't proven. His pack won't fully accept him until he is and other packs of will see him as weak and take advantage... I'm going over there to offer my help. I'd like for you to join." He says.

"Thank you!" I yell jumping up "I can't wait to see him! I hope he forgives me... Mason, I'm gonna get my brother back!"

"Let's go Beta." He pats me on the back as we exit his office.


"Alpha Mason." I hear a deep voice say in greeting as we enter the Midnight Moon pack house. No way this man is little Aaron. His squeaky prepubescent voice is long replaced with the voice of a young man.

"Aaron." Mason nods. "How are ya, boy?"

"Fine." Is his short reply. Mason shakes his hand and turns to me.

"My Beta Carson here has been wanting to see you for years." Mason tells him. I am grinning ear to ear as I look on my little brother. That grin falls as I see his angry face. He holds out his hand to me.

"Beta." He nods in greeting obviously suppressing a growl.

"Its nice to see you Aaron." I say. He nods with a slight scowl and turns to Mason.

"Why are you here Mason?" He asks. Mason gives me a sympathetic glance before answering.

"I just wanted to let you know you have the support of my pack should you have any trouble cementing your rule as Alpha." Mason says.

"I appreciate that." Aaron responds not even looking at me. "We should speak in my office... your Beta can stand guard outside."

My heart breaks. He hates me. I can't believe this. My baby brother is a man. It has been so long. He's nearly my height. He looks strong. He will be a good Alpha. Maybe one day he will forgive me.

Aaron POV

Carson... how can that man haunt me even after his death. What's the likelihood of Mason's beta having that name? First my brother is killed by rouges. Then my father... I don't want to think of him. That name is a plague. I can't even look at this man. It's not his fault but still... I just want rid of him.

"I appreciate that. We should speak in my office... your Beta can stand guard outside." I tell Mason to that end.

"Umm... sure Aaron. Carson can you..." the Beta cuts him off.

"Its fine Mason." He says then nods at me. "Aaron."

"I still have a little over two years before I'm proven. The pack seems skeptical. Other packs are threatening to take over. It's good to have you on my side." I tell Mason once we are settled in my office.

"I've always supported you boy. That won't stop now... you know Carson pushes me to help you... you should give him a chance." Mason says and I sigh.

"After everything that's happened I can't. I'm sorry Mason. I'll be civil but I really don't know if I can deal with him." I tell him.

"I guess I understand... I'm sorry I couldn't do more for you." Mason says looking guilty.

I truly love this man. I kinda wish he was my Dad. He's always been better to me than my own father. In another world I guess... if I were his son how different my life would be.

"You did all you could." I say trying to make him feel better. It's not like he could stop my father's abuse. "Well I've got Beta James advising me. He's a good man. He never agreed with my father's method of leadership. I trust him. Hopefully we can end this with little bloodshed. With your backing hopefully the other packs will back off." I say.

"They will at least reconsider their plans. They won't act hastily... well I'm sorry to cut this short but I have a little girl who I promised I'd be home for dinner and a long car ride ahead of me." Mason says standing.

"Oh yea, how olds the pup now?" I ask.

"Just turned 13... teenage girls are hard to handle... especially as a single dad." He says.

"Trust me I know... I'm in school with plenty of them... at least I'm graduating early. Well kinda... I dropped out and am getting my GED. No time for high school if the elders let me run the pack... they said once I turn 18 they will make me probationary Alpha until I'm proven." I tell him.

"At least they are on board... but seriously I have to go. Remember teenage girl waiting! Call me if you need anything pup." He says. I sigh. This man will never see me as a grown man... oddly I don't find it disrespectful coming from him.

"Thank you, Mason." I shake the Alpha's hand and he leaves... well at least I still have him on my side... it seems like everywhere I turn I see enemies... these two years can't go by soon enough.

(This would be a good time to read Brayden if you want to Timeline my stories.)