Chapter 15- Angry Zain

Sitting in his office, Zain Bennetti furrowed his brows.

He pinched the space between his eyes and read the report. His eyes turned dark.

"Che Cazo! Bloody hell!"

He slammed the file at his desk.

His assistant jumped and was well aware of the content. Goodness gracious, it was no good!

Assistant Han had submitted a brief report on the incident and details.

The breach was carried out by the notorious group named" Dark Web Masters". This group attacked many big companies in the past. Unlike other scam groups, Dark WebMasters were no joke. They were in action for the past year and took the dark web by storm.

The irony was every time they were successful in leeching off ransom due to the unbreakable encryption algorithm they use to lock down the files.

Finishing the report, Zain gritted his teeth.

Their history, the list of companies they attacked, the ransom they asked, almost every company had paid. All details were summarized in the report. They broke into Bennetti Network in less than 20 minutes. It was unbelievable.

He took a deep breath and took another file from the desk, losses occurred in the past 24 hours. One more investor pulled out due to negative media attention and a drop in stock price.

He sighed in frustration and his blood boiled with rage.

No fucking trace or track found so far. Attackers were very swift in wiping out all the tracks.

Time was running out.

"Signore, Cosa dobbiamo fare? (what should we do?)" his assistant muttered nervously.

He was afraid that Zain will lash out anytime soon. His boss was having a hard time controlling his temper.

"Aspetta fino al pomeriggio.(Wait until the afternoon)." He responded with an annoyed expression.

He gestured his assistant to leave the room.

The Assistant quickly left the room as if the mouse was freed from Lion's den.

Zain loosened his tie.

He was tired.

Lines of exhaustion visible on his handsome face.

Dark circles formed under his eyes.

He pulled out his personal phone and dialed the most recent contact number, the one he as been dialing every couple of hours since yesterday.

In another city, in a luxury suite of the 5-star hotel, a man and woman were intertwined on the king-size bed and entire suite was burning with lust and passion.

Their naked bodies rubbed against each other as they kissed each other passionately. Sounds of grunting and moaning surrounded the room.

The woman was lying on her back. Her one arm clutching bedsheet tightly and other arm holding man's neck as the man thurst deep inside her sending her to the edge of the cliff. She arched her back.

Her legs wrapped tightly around the man's waist.

"Cazzo, E'Incredibile. Guardami!" muttered man pounding hard against woman's nether regions.

The woman moaned loudly. "Please don't stop. Faster.."

The man increased his pace and started thrusting deeper and faster. Her inner muscle clenched and man was aware that she is near. He pulled out and thurst fiercely.

"I'm close.." The man expressed fiercely pushing deep in her womb. Few more thursts and both will reach their climax.

Suddenly, his phone rang.

Sound of ringtone echoed in the room.

He ignored it and continued pushing harder and faster. Woman moaned and dig her nails in his shoulders.

His phone rang again.

"What the fuck!" He snapped and stopped in between.

His mood was spoilt and the passion extinguished due to distraction. He cursed, pulled himself out and stomped towards his phone.

The woman was stupefied.

Did he just stopped!

Really stopped in between!

Hanging them both at the verge of orgasm!


"Figlio di Puttana. Fucking asshole!" The woman cursed loudly. She stood up angrily, wore her clothes, and stormed out of the room slamming the door shut on his face.

Francesco sighed. Well, he deserved that!

He answered his phone.

"Zain goddamn Bennetti! what the fuck! Are you crazy?" snapped Francesco at Zain.

Zain on the other hand cursed him back. "Francesco Russo. You ungrateful bastard. My company's reputation is in line and you want to continue to have fun fucking those good for nothing whores out there! Get your ass in here today."

Francesco controlled himself and took a deep breath. He knows his friend having a hard time. He will settle score with him later on.

Zain and Francesco were best friends since childhood. Both were from an affluent family. Francesco was a RedHat hacker but very few people knew his other identity. Considering his family background, it was risky if his identity is exposed.

Zain supported him in every possible way.

In return, he helped Benetti Groups behind the scenes with their Network and latest Security setup.

They never encountered such an issue in the past. Many attackers tried but they failed miserably. Somehow Dark Web Masters are a step ahead of him.

Francesco inwardly was impressed with their skills but he won't risk expressing it in front of his bloodlust angry demonic friend.

"I know why you called. I tried everything. I don't know how they breached my algorithm's last defense. I tried tracking them down but they are too smart to leave any trace. Hell, I don't even know where the attack originated from. " Francesco spoke apologetically.

Zain exhales loudly "what should we do? Time is running out."

"Fratello, The more you will wait, the more are the losses. I have copied their algorithm I will find a workaround but it is not an easy task. Your losses will be more compared to the ransom they have asked. Give them ransom and take back access of those files. We will secure them once we get back the files. Let's discuss the plan to upgrade the security. Also, let's evaluate some more companies providing the latest security solutions. There are smart people out there and we need to partner with them before something like this happens again. We cannot loose more investors. We will cover the media's negative news stating everything is safe once we get our files back". Francesco voiced his opinion in a single breath leaving no room for more arguement.

Zain covered his face with his palm. He hate to admit when Francesco is right.

The more they wait, the more will be the losses.

"All right. Got it. But you get your ass back in here today." Zain commented after a minute of silence and hung up.

Francesco shook his head and went to have a cold shower.

A serious case of blue balls!