Chapter 16- Let's Celebrate

"Zi, the mission accomplished!" the other party screamed in excitement.

Rizi's face beamed with excitement "Really Zack! Oh my god! What an amazing news!"

"Yes Zi! This is just the beginning." Zack happily commented.

Rizi went silent for a moment and then she responded "You know what do to with the money."

"Yes, Miss Goody Two Shoes. Already donated to the orphanage." Zack playfully teased and answered.

"Lovely. Thank you so much, Zack. Let us celebrate together. How about dinner at my place. I will cook!"

"Hell Yes! Count me in. Cannot miss out on the food prepared by you!" Zack spoke greedily with stars in his eyes.

"Bring Abby along. Will wait for you guys!" Rizi instructed and hung the call.

A deep smile plastered on her face.

This is indeed just the beginning. However, she felt grateful for the people around her. They are her family now. All of them played an important role in her life.

Their first strike was successful but a lot more needs to be done.

She continued investigating the death of Bennetti Elders and her father's past but has reached an impasse. Someone has concealed all the information even about her father's past. She was investigating everyone in her radar, including Zain, Sussanna, her uncle(Sussana Dad) and her aunt.

Pushing all thoughts on the back of her mind, she called up Sara and extended dinner invitation.

She also informed Jason to come home early.

She went to the kitchen. "Aunt Maria, we have a few guests coming over for dinner. Let's decide on the menu and then I will visit the supermarket. You can accompany Leo in his room. He wants to finish his drawing."

Aunt Maria readily agreed.

Rizi loved to cook, for her, cooking was a type of enjoyment.

In the past, when she was very young, her mother was very busy with work, and her father always had to travel on business. Sometimes when she returned home from school and found usual tasteless dishes prepared by the cook, she felt irritated. Later she used to watch the recipe videos and try to cook for herself.

Slowly her culinary skills improved and she started enjoying more.

Now she loved to cook for her loved ones specifically her baby Leo.

After deciding on the menu, Rizi visited a nearby supermarket and brought required groceries- meat, fish, vegetable, wine, etc

She washed and cleaned vegetables. Aunt Maria started chopping. Rizi started preparation for enchiladas.

They decided on Mexican dishes for today's celebration. Burritos with minced meat filling, Enchiladas, Chilli, spicy Mexican fish, and Flan.

Moreover, Abby, Zack, Sara, and Jason all love spicy mexican food.

By the time they were done cooking, Abby and Zack entered.

Zack in his usual nerdy looks wearing a black hoodie with jeans, study glasses, and ruffled hair. With a well-built physique and handsome feature, he did not look dominating at all. Rather he carried a more vibrant and happy vibe.

Abby on the other hand had a sullen look on her face. She was in her night pajamas and her hair tied up in a small ponytail but that did not hide her charming beautiful persona.

"Hey Zi, we are here!" Zack hugged Zi and place a bottle of wine in the kitchen.

"Hey, you guys. I am glad you are here. What's with that look on your face?" Rizi turned towards Abby and hugged her.

Abby returned her hug and shot a look at Zack.

Zack scratched back of his head and gave awkward smile.

"This idiot dint even gave me chance to change my clothes. I was sleeping. Look at me!" Abby complained.

"You were sleeping since afternoon Woman! I called you so many times. We would have been late considering the time you usually need to get ready. Besides, it's Rizi's home no one gonna bother with your outfit. After dinner, you can straight away go to your bed again. This is me being thoughtful." Zack commented nonchalantly picking up an apple from the fruit stand.

Abby hissed at Zack. "This is not over."

She turned to Rizi and smiled adoringly "I am very happy for you Zi. We will slowly get there."

Rizi squeezed her hand and asked in anticipation. "How's the investigation going on? Did you find any clue?"

Abby sighed "No. Zack is also trying. Many years have passed so its difficult to find any information or lead. Moreover, most of the information is concealed. I suggest you visit the old mansion and check your father's study again. There must be something that we missed out."

Rizi contemplated. She dint have the courage to visit her old mansion again.

So many memories!

Every corner of that mansion replays her childhood scenes.

Her mother's laughter, Father's strict yet adoring love, their happy times.

At the very moment, Sara entered the room with an angry face and stomped her feet. She was in her formal office wear and looked like she came straight here from her office.

Rizi was amused. It's rare to see Sara so riled up. She usually is the most bubbly and happy girl in the room.

"Now what happened to you? Why are you so pissed off?" Rizi gave a quick hug to Sara and asked with an amused smile.

Jason entered from behind looking neat and dapper in his suit. He had a smug look on his face.

Rizi looked at him and then at Sara "What did you do J? Did you bully her?"

Sara was angry yet her ear and neck turned red. She shook her head "Nothing. Ignore it. Where's Leo?" She changed the topic and shot daggers at Jason.

Jason smirked.

Rizi rolled her eyes. "Leo is playing with Aunt Maria in his room."

"C'mon in guys. Time to pour some wine!" Zack shouted from the kitchen.

Everyone settled themselves around the dining table.

Zack opened a bottle of Château Lafite Rothschild and poured everyone a glass.

Everyone raised their glasses and clanked with sounds of "cheers".

Picking up the fork and chopsticks, everyone dug in to enjoy their favorite delicious meal.