Chapter 23- Your surprise is delivered

In Rizi's study room:

Jason, Sara and Rizi were discussing on Rizi's pending court matters related to prison.

Rizi was sitting on her leather chair.

Jason and Sara were seated on opposite side of the desk.

"Congratulations Zi! All remaining formalities are done. Everything related to court is over. Now you won't have to worry about court issues anymore. You can travel abroad and accompany Leo if required, for his further medical treatment anytime."

Sitting opposite side of the desk, on one of the visitor chairs, Sara spoke in a soft voice.

She remembered the first time she saw Rizi in the prison.

She was reluctant to accept her case, but Jason insisted to meet her personally before making any final decision.

Her pale haggard face and helpless look tugged some strings in her heart.

She felt an instant connection.

The moment she heard her story from her point of view, she decided she will fight for her.

She cannot let her suffer in that hell of a prison without any fault. It's been many years, she has seen her becoming more stronger and powerful. She held deep sense of admiration towards Rizi.

Finally, she has helped her close remaining court formalities. She felt a great sense of achievement because it was for her dear friend. She was able to reduce her burden to some extent.

"Well" Rizi took a deep breath. Her eyes turned misty "it's been so many years. Thank you for handling this."

Sara leaned forward and placed her palm on Rizi's hand that trembled slightly on the desk. She pressed it lightly to console her.

Rizi gave a brief nod to her.

She was thankful to Sara. She has become a sister to her. Rizi felt something warm flowing in her heart. She cannot express in words how much grateful she felt, for her support all along.

She felt she has many happy things to look forward to when everything will be over.

When she is with Leo, Sara and Jason, she forgets all her throbbing pain from the past. But as soon as she comes out of her happy circle her mind only revolves around revenge and ongoing investigation about her D'Souzas and Bennettis.

Jason observed the two smart and strong women in his life. His chest swell with pride.

One was her childhood friend who has fight all odds and is becoming stronger day by day.

The other one equally strong,gutsy and independent who has added a new perspective and color in his life by her mere presence.

At this time, Rizi's mobile phone rang, she picked up and saw caller id.

"It's Zack. Excuse me."

Rizi held her mobile phone and pushed the door of the balcony to go outside.

Sara's eyes followed her back. She knew that she appears strong in front of them, but she is hurt and fragile little doll from inside.

Sara sighed heavily.

At the same time, a pair of blue eyes turned towards her from the balcony door.

The adoration in his eyes was obvious.

Jason observed Sara's mood. He understood how worried she is about Rizi. He too worries a lot about her and Leo.

His big palm touched one of the Sara's little hand which was rested on her knee under the desk.

Sara was shocked momentarily and became stiff, but she was too embarrassed to look at him. So she lowered her head and bit her lips.

She din't felt repulsive. She liked his touch. His hands felt warm and his touch carried a sense of security, she din't push it away.

Jason felt good.

She din't push his hand, his shoulders relaxed.

Her hands were small and very soft.

Slowly Sara reverse her hand and her palm touches his. Jason's big palm started playing with hers.

He rubbed it for a while and then he intertwined his fingers with hers.

A blush appeared on Sara's face.

She can only pretend to appear normal on the surface and look towards the balcony where Rizi was talking with Zack on the phone.

Small movements under the table roused the wackadoodle ripples in her heart.

Outside the balcony:

Rizi received Zack's call "Yes Zack. What's up?"

On the end, Zack cheekily dropped his news "Your surprise is delivered."

Rizi was confused. "What surprise?"

"Remember about one more surprise that you wanted to give Benntti Group just for fun?" Zack cleared his throat and spoke in a slow voice.

"yeah. What about it?" Rizi asked curiously.

"I delivered it on your behalf." Zack finished his statement quickly under his breath.

Rizi's eyes widened in surprise "what? When? How? Wait what you did?" She bombarded him for more information.

"For god's sake calm down Zi. Be on the line. I am sending you details with video recording. Please don't kill me." Zack clarified in bit guilty tone.

"Ok. Jason and Sara are also with me. Send me details, I will connect my laptop." Rizi answered in a neutral tone.

"Any progress with those two love birds?" Zack tried to ease her like a kid by asking irrelevant questions.

Rizi dint know whether to laugh or cry on Zack's stupid attempt on diverting her.

"Neah, I don't know how long I have to act as cupid. J is blockhead. I hope he makes his move soon." Rizi nonchalantly responded.

"Hmm. Sent you details. Check your email."

"Ok. Hold on for a minute."

Rizi opened balcony door and came inside.

She closed the balcony door and walked towards her desk.

She gave quick glance to Sara and Jason. She felt a change in the air. Well, good if they both realized their feelings.

"It was Zack. He delivered a surprise gift to Bennetti Group on my behalf. Let see what he did." Rizi winked at both of them and sat on her chair.

She opened her laptop. Logged in.

She turned her phone to speaker mode. Zack was still connect over the call.

Jason released Sara's hand below the desk.

Both stood up and went to the other side of the desk.

They both occupied position behind Rizi's chair on either sides. Their eyes glued on her laptop screen.

Rizi entered her login information


She saw an email from "DarkWebMaster02" and open it.

She read the details with squinted eyes and saw video attachment.


Video started playing.

Everyone was stunned.

There was a pin drop silence in the room.

Zack gulped on the other end.

Shit! Did I crossed a line? Hope she will not kill me. Damn I should have asked her beforehand.

With all these thought, he gather his courage and asked in a stuttering voice "Zi! you, th..there?"

No response.

Pin drop silence.

In next second, a throaty laughter roared. It was Jason. Soon other two more laughing sound roared in the room on the other end.

Zack sighed in relief.

Jason, Sara and Rizi burst out laughing.

Laughing so hard that their body trembled and eyes turned watery.

They held their stomach and sound of laughter continue to echo in the study room.