Chapter 24- Unexpected phone call

"Oh my god, Zack. You are too hilarious!" Sara commented holding her stomach. She was unable to control her laughter.

"Damn you, Zack. I loved it. This viagra ad." Jason spoke in a throaty voice in mid of his laughter.

Rizi controlled her laughter and took a deep breath.

"Zack this is much better than what I thought. This is simply evil. Ha..ha..ha" Rizi burst out laughing again.

"Thank god. I thought you will kill me for doing this on my own." relief evident in Zack's voice.

Rizi smiled and spoke in a loving voice

"No Zack. I know you did this for me. I never doubted your intentions. Thank you for taking care of this one."

Rizi praised Zack and hung the call.

She closed her laptop.

"Now that was fresh fun."

Sara and Jason chuckled.

Rizi turned towards Sara and Jason.

She recalled something and look towards Jason. "J, we have BugHackX Hackathon coming up. I will be gone for the whole day. Aunt Maria and Leo will be at home. Will you please keep a check on Leo's health at regular intervals?"

Jason smiled. Leo was his godchild. How can he not do that?

"Yes. Of course. I know about the event. Zack informed everything. You go and make sure to be a winner. Don't worry about Leo. He will be safe with us." He looked at Sara with a loving gaze.

Sara blushed and nodded in agreement.

Rizi raised her eyebrow at both of them. She was about to ask something, but there was a sudden knock on the door.

It saved Sara and Jason from further interrogation. Both sighed in relief.

Aunt Maria entered "Rizi, lunch is served. Are you guys joining me and Leo?"

Rizi stood up "Yes, we are coming." She turned towards Jason and Sara "Let's go. I am hungry after laughing so hard."

All three stood up, exited the study room, and went towards the dining room to accompany Leo and Aunt Maria for lunch.

At Bennetti Group:

Zain Bennetti and Francesco Russo were sitting in the office going through some usual business files.

Zain took a puff of his cigarette.

"After such a hurly-burly, the only thing Dark WebMasters were looking for was some fun? Not even something menial as money?" Zain asked in a contemplating voice.

'You want to engage police?" Francesco asked in a neutral tone.

"What for? They are not much advanced. It will be of no help. Instead, the news will blow up to the media and it will dwindle our stock price and reputation again." Zack explained grimly and placed cigarette in the ashtray.

He was still in deep contemplation.

Those bloody hackers targeted him twice.

Not once.

But twice!

The second one was such a joke!

He was not able to do anything. He felt frustrated and annoyed.

He must find a solution to this problem and also he needs to find out who these hackers are and why there are targeting him?

May be Francesco is right. They will find something, a talent for their project or information about hackers in that event.

He was in deep thought and suddenly his phone rang.

seeing the caller ID, He sighed on this unexpected call.

He answered the call and put it on the speaker.

"Ciao Mr. Cruz" Zain greeted in a neutral voice.

Francesco squinted his eyes.

"Ciao Zain, looks like you are extremely busy?" Dino Cruz questioned in a sarcastic tone.

Zain squinted his eyes "Business as usual Mr.Cruz. How can I help you?

"Hope you remember today is your fiancée birthday?" Dino Cruz asked incredulously.

Zain was stupefied "Susanna's Birthday?"

On the other side, Dino Cruz sighed "Don't tell me you forgot your fiancé birthday?"

He definitely did.

"I am sorry about it. Work occupied a lot of time, so it slipped my mind. I will make it up to her. Thank you for reminding me" Zain spoke in a guilty tone.

"You definitely should. Also, it's been more than 3 years now you both should discuss and decide on a wedding date. I had a word with your grandfather. He is of the same opinion." Dino Cruz spoke in a decisive tone.

Francesco rolled his eyes.

This old hag!

He never liked him.

Such a double-faced big wolf in sheep's clothing.

He looked at Zain, who appeared like lambs in the slaughterhouse.

His poor friend!

"Not yet Mr. Cruz. I have a new Security upgrade project. We can decide on the date once the project is completed." Zack responded in a stern voice.

Dino Cruz sighed. He dint have the audacity to be more stern or strict towards Zain.

He cannot piss him off. So he spoke in a calm tone. "Ok. I understand. I am just worried about Susanna as her father."

"I understand." Zain hung the call immediately.

Zain dint had a lot of opinions on a wedding. He was confused and lost since he destroyed D'Souzas. He was not able to find any fault with Susanna. She cared for him and supported him these many years. He owes her a good life for saving his. His grandfather was also fond of her, so there's been no harm in marrying her. But his heart was still in turmoil.

His mind again drifted toward Dark Web Masters.

"Well, that was the trouble. So finally decided to get married?" Francesco commented typing something on his laptop.

Zain snapped out of reverie "uh. Ya. I mean, yes. She is a good woman."

Francesco raised his eyebrow "What about the doubts that you mentioned that day?"

"I don't know. It's just my overthinking. I had her stalked and investigated. Everything looks normal and good." Zack sighed and passed on his investigation report to Francesco.

"Well, do you really love her?" Francesco asked, turning pages of the report.

"That's not important. She is my fiancée from the past 3 years now."

He picked up his intercom and asked assistant Han to make a reservation at La Gustoso at 7 pm for two.

Assistant Han quickly acted on his boss's command and send him reservation confirmation details.

Zain sent a birthday text message to Susanna along with the details of the dinner reservation of La Gustoso.

On the other side, Dino Cruz gritted his teeth as Zain immediately hung up on him.

"This brat. How dare he hung up on me." He started ranting about him.

Sitting opposite side of the desk, Susanna looked at her father's annoyed expressions. She felt good about it deep inside her heart. But she cannot let that appear on her face. "Relax Dad. You know him. He is like this with everyone."

Dino Cruz relaxed a bit. He looked at her daughter "Well. Now I hope you are happy with your birthday gift."

Susanna smiled "Thank you so much, Dad."

"Remember your goal. I don't want to be disappointed." He gave her a stern look.

Susanna's shoulders dropped.

She nodded lightly in agreement with a disheartened look on her face.