Chapter 30- Beans n' Creams Cafe

Outside the Beans n' Creams Café, a man wearing a leather jacket and rugged jeans was looking around the place.

He checked his email and saw his boss has asked for the latest updates.

He had been following this jet black-haired petite lady from the past couple of weeks.

Nothing is interesting about her so far.

She worked as the waitress in this small café and lives in the shabby looking apartment nearby.

Her life has a similar routine daily.

Even he felt bored now after following her.

He had sent all the updates to his boss so far and was waiting for further instructions.

It was dark outside.

The dimly lit street was not that busy. There were fewer people here and there.

This was a small café but quite popular for their different types of coffee.

Although it was night and they were about to close, the café was filled with people and busy.

He observed his target again.

A beautiful girl with jet black hair, brown eyes, and porcelain-like pale white skin.

She was dressed in a café's uniform, a pink short sleeves shirt with cafe logo and name imprinted on left front pocket, paired with black jeans and white sneakers. She also wore a pink cap and an apron, both had the cafe's logo imprinted on it.

She was serving the coffee to the last remaining customers with a genuine smile on her face.

At this time, his phone beeped.

He quickly took out his phone and saw another email from his boss. He opened it. His boss had asked him to go inside the cafe and click some latest pictures of the target.

His boss has also instructed him to do a clean job without anyone's suspicions.

Reading the email, he sighed.

He put down his phone. How the hell he will do that without anyone's suspicions? There are still so many people in the cafe?

He sighed again. He thought for a while and walked towards the café.

He opened the door and went inside.

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee greeted him. He looked around the cafe and raised his eyebrows.

Even though the café was small, it was well-maintained with a nice ambiance.

The decor and the furniture were also decent and matched with the theme of the cafe.

He walked towards the counter. His target, the petite lady with a pink cap, smiled at him and greeted him.

"Good evening Sir. What would you like to have?"

After checking the menu on the board, he spoke in a calm voice.

"One caramel latte and a slice of almond cake, please."

"Thank you, sir. Anything else?" The girl asked him again.

"No. that's it."

"One caramel latte and one almond cake. Its 5 Euros Sir." The girl spoke while typing his order in the Kiosk.

The man paid for his order and went to occupy the cornered empty seat next to the glass window.

He observed his surroundings again and picked up his phone.

He started taking selfies first in different positions and with expressions.

Slowly he clicked a couple of pictures of the café and the petite girl standing near the counter in between of his selfies.

Her face was downwards typing in the Kiosk and placing orders for the new customers.

For surrounding people, He looked like an active social media fan. Seeing a young boy taking selfies and posting it somewhere on his social media account, other people ignored it.

That is not new for them. Youngsters often do that. They get excited about clicking new pictures and posting them on social media sites for more likes and comments.

After clicking a couple of pictures, he placed his phone back in his pocket.

Soon, the petite girl walked towards him with a smile and placed his order on his table.

"Here is your order Sir. Please enjoy it!"

The man picked up the mug and took a sip of the caramel latte.

He smiled in satisfaction.

Indeed they brew nice coffee.


After taking a couple of sips, he felt his vision went blurred. He placed the cup down and massaged his eyes.

Slowly he lost consciousness and passed out.

"Sir, wake up. You okay?" The man heard a faint voice.

Then the voice became more clearer.

"Sir, open your eyes. are you okay?"

The man opened his eyes slowly and saw the same petite girl with a panicked expression on her face.

He straightened his back.

The girl quickly gave him a glass of water and spoke in a worried tone. "Sir are you okay? It looks like you had a vasovagal episode! You should have avoided caffeine and consulted a doctor."

The man had a confused expression on his face.

"What? This is the first time it has happened." He looked at the coffee mug.

The petite girl quickly spoke, "It's not a new thing sir. I have observed a couple of customers in past. Sometimes its happens due to low blood pressure and caffeine can aggravate it resulting in unconsciousness. Please consult the doctor, Sir. "

The man nodded in understanding.

Indeed, low blood pressure. He had not consumed proper meals and kept himself hydrated the whole day.

"Thank you so much." The man spoke in a grateful manner.

"No Sir. I apologize for any inconvenience. As a complimentary service, this is a cheese and ham sandwich with French fries. It will be on the house, Sir. Please eat and rest." The girl spoke in a soft voice. She smiled and placed complimentary food on his table.

"Thank you for this kind gesture." The man's face beamed with a smile. He got super excited. He was really hungry and he just got a free meal.

The petite girl smiled and left.

He checked his watch and realized he is yet to send pictures to his boss.

Thank god, he was passed out only for 15 minutes!

His boss must be waiting for pictures.

He quickly took out his phone, opened his email to respond to his boss's email.

He drafted a reply, attached a couple of pictures of the petite lady, and hit send.

Once the email was successfully sent, he put his cellphone back in his pocket and dug into the delicious free sandwich and fries.