Chapter 31- Who is she?(1)

"No, sir. I apologize. As a complimentary service, this is a cheese and ham sandwich with French fries. It's on the house."

The girl placed complimentary food on his table and left.

As soon as she turned around, her smiled faded and an evil grin plastered on her face.

She went towards the kiosk counter and observed the man's movements. She observed how excited he was for his free food.

As soon the man picked up his cell phone, the girl excused herself and went inside the pantry area.

She quickly walked inside the pantry, shut the door close, and locked it.

She picked up her laptop which was hidden in a small locker behind the grocery shelf.

She turned on the laptop screen and quickly logged in.

Her fingers started typing couple of commands and ran a computer program.

Her eyes narrowed and focused.