Chapter 36- Assignment

At this moment, the sound of footsteps heard, followed by the voice of Leo.

"What did Uncle J steal?"

Leo entered the living room from the front main door.

Both Rizi and Jason turned to look towards him.

Leo dressed in a white casual shirt and jeans with a cap, a mask, and white sneakers having a Superman logo, greeted them with a smile.

He had his small bag on his shoulder and was holding Aunt Maria's hand with one of his hands.

Seeing his mama's loving gaze, he rushed towards Rizi with his small legs and raised his arms.

Understanding his gesture, Rizi instantly picked him up and made him sit on her lap.

Leo gave a quick peck on Rizi's cheek, then he turned towards Jason and spoke in his childish voice. "Yo Uncle J! what did you steal? What are you hiding from me?"

Leo raised his brows multiple times.

Jason gulped. "Nothing little devil. Why we will hide something from you. You are a smart kid that will figure out things if there is something fishy."