Chapter 37- Reward

Zack, Abby, and Rizi concentrated on their assignment.

They had to penetrate a few more company's networks and gather inside intel.

Their eyes focused on their computers, and they worked diligently for the next couple of hours.

After completing their targeted task for the day, all three of them leaned back to their respective chairs leisurely.

Rizi massaged her eyes and stiff shoulder to lose some tensed muscle as she was sitting in the same posture for a couple of hours.

"Well, just so you know guys! We are receiving many unexpected visitors trying to infiltrate our network and track us. On the dark web, there is a reward of 80 million posted to track us down." Abby rolled her eyes, blew hair from her forehead, and commented languidly.

Rizi's eyes were brooding cold "Who want to track us down?"

"Noone other than Mr.Zain Bennetti," Abby informed nonchalantly.

"Don't worry about it. Let him raise as many rewards he wants." Rizi gave a wicked smile.