Chapter 38- Jealous

A day before the hackathon.

At Pereira Corporation in Springrock city.

Jason was restless.

Sitting behind his white mahogany modern desk, he was not able to concentrate on his work.

His mood was not good. Its been a couple of days, he had seen Sara.

She was extremely busy with her court hearings.

They hardly talk over the phone. Whenever he will call her, she was either working or preparing for upcoming court trails.

He tried calling her in the morning as well, but her call went unanswered.

They were supposed to go out on a date today, he had planned to confess his feeling today with a romantic dinner, but Sara had not confirmed her availability yet.

He wanted to pick her up today and spend some more time with her as Rizi, Abby and Zack were suppose to travel for the hackathon tonight.

His blue eyes fixated on his phone.

After a while, he picked up his office desk phone and dialed Sara's number.