Chapter 39- Do I need to explain more?

As soon as Jason stormed out of the office, Troy gulped seeing the angry Mr. Pereira.

He looked at Sara with a questioning gaze.

Sara motioned him to leave as soon as possible.

Then she ran out of her office quickly to stop Jason.

She had to coax that angry lion.

"Jason wait." Sara ran out of her office and stood in front of him next to the elevator.

"What?" He snarled at her.

But before he can speak another word, Sara grabbed his arms and dragged him back into her office.

Jason saw how her small fair arms trying to hold his arms and making an effort to drag him.

He was quite taller than her.

She dragged him, inside her office, and locked the door with a fingerprint so that he cannot storm out.

Jason squinted his eyes. "What are you doing? Open the door. You were busy right?"

Sara watched him with a puzzled expression on her face.

What got him so riled up.

Is he jealous?

She chuckled.

Hearing her chuckle, Jason's anger spiked.

Is she mocking me now?