Chapter 40- Silent Promises

Jason's loving gaze landed over the petite figure in his arms.

He felt something warm unfolding in his heart.

Is this how you feel when you are in love with someone?

This feeling when your love is reciprocated with equal passion is something out of this world. It is so refreshing!

His lips curved up into a smile.

The unsaid confession between them was indeed beautiful, but he didn't want it to happen this way. He had planned a special date and a romantic proposal. But he canceled it himself in a fit of rage.

Well, It was his fault for overreacting! He felt a bit guilty.

He made a promise in his heart that he will give her a grand proposal of her dreams. He will cherish her and will do everything to make her happy. That smile of hers was his antidote, that has healed the deepest wound of his heart.