Chapter 41- Preps for Hackathon

At Rizi's Villa:

"Zi, where are those new in-ear Bluetooth devices?" Zack asked while searching in the different drawers.

He and Rizi were in the study room.

Rizi was busy working on her computer.

Zack was preparing their bag packs for tomorrow's event.

"Third drawer from the left. There will be a rectangle velvet case below the file. Check it out." Rizi gave him direction in neutral tonewhile continuing typing on her computer. Her eyes glued on her computer screen and finger dancing on the keys speedily.

Zack opened the instructed drawer and found a black velvet rectangle case. He took out the case from the drawer and opened it carefully.

Five tiny black button-like devices were placed neatly in a row on a white soft cloth inside the case.