Chapter 42- Hackathon (1)

After dinner, Rizi carried Leo to her room to rest.

She helped him shower and change into his night pajamas.

Leo laid down on the bed, Rizi ruffled his hair and spoke in a loving voice "Baby, Mama has to travel for some work tonight. I will back by tomorrow night. Aunt Sara and Uncle J will be here with you. You be a good boy. Okay?"

"Where are you going mama?" Leo asked curiously.

Rizi thought for a while and explained "It's a software security competition. It is related to mama's business."

Leo's eyes sparkle with excitement. "You mean hacking? Like Dark WebMasters. I heard Uncle Zack speaking about it."

Rizi was dumbfounded.

That tattletale Zack!

She gave fake laughter and explained "Well, it is not like 'Hacking' hacking and bad guys." She raised her two fingers of each hand and draw quotation marks in the air, while uttering the word 'Hacking'.