Chapter 44- Hackathon (3)

Elder Song brought Rizi and Team to their workstation.

Rizi observed her surrounding.

The setup of the event was indeed extravagant.

They have completely changed the interior look of the building for this event.

The ground floor was the competition floor, where everyone was busy setting up their respective workstations. Lots of cables and wires were spread cross the floor.

She looked upwards and saw the top floor was reserved for VIP and VVIP guests such as business tycoons, elites, judges, government officials, and sponsors. It has individual glass sections separating each VVIP room.

Waiters and servers were serving them with drinks and snacks.

She sighed inwardly, 'Money and Power can do anything!'

She walked towards her workstation.

There were three workstations in one row at a distance of 15 feet. Their workstation was the cornered one. A rectangle wooden desk with three comfortable chairs.