Chapter 45- Hackathon (4)

"Fratello! This is going to be so much fun!"

Francesco took a sip of champagne from his glass and excitingly occupied his seat.

"Yes. Let's see what they got." Zain spoke with the usual stoic face. His green eyes, following the movement of the pink-haired lady.

All the participants occupied their workstations.

The live scoreboard displayed and a 1-hour timer started with a beep sound.

The first round began.

Every group diligently focused on their laptops. Their fingers typing like a pro and sounds of keystrokes, mouse clicks, and faint murmured among the team members were heard.

"Fuck it! Hell Yeah!" Zack shouted and raised a fist in the air. Team Alpha has hacked the site in 10 minutes.

Rizi and Abby nodded at each other in appreciation.

"Wow. They are good." Francesco observed the Alpha team in black who complete their first level in just 10 minutes. He was impressed by their speed and skill.

Soon after, the team gladiator in the yellow hacked the website in 15 minutes.