Chapter 46- Hackathon (5)

The leader of The Gladiator team was not happy.

He looked at the scoreboard and clenched his fist.

He just got the message from their boss that they had to win this competition by any means.

He looked at the pink-haired girl who single-handedly finished the task in just 15 minutes.

Indeed, she is a genius!

But if she will be present in the final round then chances of their winning will be very slim.

After thinking for a while, his eye turned evil.

He cannot do any physical harm to anyone or else his team will be straight away disqualified.

So he decided to play a prank!

He called a female team member of his team and whispered something in her ear.

Soon the timer for the second round ended.

No other teams were able to destroy malware and clean the system.

Few of them were annoyed by their defeat, but the never thought that the difficulty level of this task will be this top notch high.