Chapter 48- Hackathon (7)

What the hell!

What on the earth is he doing here?

Out of everyone on present in the event, why him?

"Grh." She pulled her hair out of frustration then realized she was wearing a wig.

She took a deep breath to calm herself down.

She adjusted her mask and wig to ensure he won't not be able to recognize her.

After confirming her appearance, she tapped the door in acknowledgment and took a few steps back.

She had to get out of here first. The final round will end soon.

Zain, on the other hand, was surprised by her way of acknowledgment.

He heard two taps on the door from the other side.

Is she mute?

Doesn't look like it, she was talking to her teammates on the competition floor.

Why bother!

He pushed those thoughts on the back of his head and kicked the chamber door.

With a loud thud, the door flew open.

He looked at the petite figure standing in front of him in an unruly manner with her arms folded and an air of arrogance around her.