Chapter 49- Hackathon (8)

At the competition floor:

The Gladiator Team was already hitting and trying to breach third line of defense of the Alpha software for quite a time.

The Gladiator Team's leader was typing fast on his computer.

After breaking the first two lines of defenses so quickly, he thought he would be able to breach the last and third line of defense by now.

But Alpha software was too good.

He dint expect their third line to be so strong.

He was still trying to breach that final defense with a smug look on his face.

He was sure until that pink-haired lady is not there, they can easily win.

In Central Ford City:

"Boss looks like our team will win the competition."

Hearing Assistant's words, the man's lips curved into an evil smile.

"That's good to hear. What about the other team?" The man asked.

"They have still not breached the second line of defense of our software." The Assistant quickly informed him.

"Get me the information about the other team." The man demanded.