Chapter 70- Not so stingy boss

Both mother and son came out of the airport.

A car was waiting for them. They boarded it quickly.

Rizi took out her phone and dialed Jason's number.

"J we have landed and going to the Trinity Residence."

"Ok Zi! Take care of yourself and Leo. I have informed the housekeeper already. Me and Sara will be there after her final court trial will end."Jason spoke in a usual deep voice.

"Yes. J. Don't worry about it. We are good and thank you for your help."

"When Abby and Zack will be there?" Jason inquired on the other end.

"They will come after two days. They are working on one important assignment. Once they are done, they will be here to help me." Rizi explained about the assignment and what Abby and Zack were up to.

Although Jason was not the main front player, he was their backer. He had backed them up with all his support so far.

"Ok. Please call me in case of anything. Understood?" Jason instructed her in a stern voice.