Chapter 71- Hospital

At Bennetti group:

Zain was in a conference room attending a meeting with one of the important shareholders.

Assistant Han rushed in.

He was hyperventilating.

He didn't bother to knock as his boss has instructed him to avoid such formalities in case of an extreme emergency.

He whispered something in Zain's ear. There was a panic expression on his face.

"Gentleman. I apologize but I have to leave. It's a family urgency."

He quickly stood up and left the conference room.

Zain rushed outside his office building. The car was waiting for him.

He hurriedly boarded the car and saw Francesco already sitting inside.

"I am coming with you. Don't panic. I had already called the hospital. Gramps is fine."

Zain sighed in relief.

Soon they both reached Central Hospital. One of the best hospitals in the city.

It has high-end security and a dedicated private floor for the elite, billionaires, and important people.