Chapter 94- Revenge is an endless loop

Zain slowly opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was Lauren Song with big ugly glasses staring at him.

Then, he saw Francesco and Assistant Han nervously staring at him.

His eyes were bloodshot! He completely drenched in sweat!

He realized he was lost in a nightmare! He was still dazed!

He frowned and pressed his temples.

"Drink this!" Francesco helped Zain will glass of water. He helped him sit properly on the couch.

"Are you okay?" Francesco asked again.

"Si!" Zain gulped a glass of water quickly. He felt much better and calm.

"Fratello! What happened? You were shouting and screaming! Everything ok?" Francesco took a glass from his hand and placed it on the table.

"Yes. Terrible nightmare! That's all!" Zain spoke slowly and looked in the direction of Lauren Song.

Francesco immediately understood his meaning and stopped asking much.