Chapter 95- Leo's little scheme

That night he was nothing less than a monster demon with intent to kill!

What actually happened back then?

How D'Souza's are associated with Bennetti's?

If Zain was right, then why her father would do such a thing?

Was he also blinded by revenge?

When she was young she never heard her parents mentioned anything about Bennetti's.

She never heard her parents mentioned anything about Martin or Bella Bennetti.

Rizi never believed that her father can do such heinous and gruesome act.

But to find out the truth, she cannot leave any grey area.

She has to consider each and every possibility.

From the past 4 years, she was trying to investigate what happened back then and any relevant information.

But she hasn't got any lead.

The only movement she observed from her uncle's side as he was working with some guy named Stefano Rosselini.

His background was very suspicious. He just became active in past 4 years. That guy also doesn't have any past background data associated.