Chapter 99- What's he looking for?

After Anthony left, Rizi was thinking about Clandestine meth lab.

She was a bit skeptical about how easily her team and local police have figured out about this meth lab. The drug dealers or culprits would have easily disposed that garbage can before leaving.

Was it deliberately left there?

Or maybe they didn't have that much time to dispose of the waste properly?

Part of her intuition was leaning on the former part. What if this was something they want NSA or local authority to believe?

Is it only meth lab? If not, what else they are up to?

If it was only one meth lab, then this is just a tip of the iceberg. As per the intel received, Stefano Rosselini is not a simply character. There will more illegal meth labs, illegal drugs laboratories, or some secret research labs! It can also be a place for human trafficking!

She has worked with NSA on so many cases so far that all these things were not something new to her.