Chapter 100- Grandpa Bennetti trolling Francesco

Leo was busy on the laptop.

As soon as he observed his mother's presence in the room, he changed the laptop window and opened his art comic.

"What's my baby doing?" Rizi tried to initiate a conversation with her son.

"Nothing much!" Leo shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly and kept his eyes glued on his laptop.

Rizi recalled his childish banter earlier related to mini car. She was amused as her son hardly behaves like a normal kid of his age. Usually, he acts much more mature. May be his involvement with elder is not so bad.

She silently walked towards him and poked his shoulders with her index finger, "How about we buy a gift for your friend's birthday!"

Leo eyes sparkled as soon as he heard those words from his mother's mouth.

"Really mama!!!" Leo excited hugged Rizi and placed a quick kiss on her cheek.