Chapter 102- Similar green eyes!

Grandpa Bennetti was jolted awake on such a loud sound.

But all his irritation faded as soon as the cutest voice range in his ears.

"Happy Birthday Grandpa!" Leo immediately jumped and wrapped his arms around to hug Grandpa Bennetti.

Grandpa Bennetti immediately hugged back Leo. A huge silly smile plastered on his face.

His happiness knew no bound!

How much adorable this kid can be!

"Thank you so much little one!" Grandpa Bennetti spoke and made him sit comfortably on his lap.

He gave quick kiss on his cheeks.

All sadness vanished away in thin hair with the mere presence of this little angel.

Leo extended his hand towards the butler, asking for the gift.

The butler immediately handed over the small square beautifully wrapped golden gift box to Leo.

Leo grinned.

"Grandpa. I bought you a gift, and my mom also baked cupcakes for you. They are best cupcakes!"